Caleb? Cayden? Ayden?

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"You punched a hole right through my heart"

"You punched a hole right through my heart"

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A few days pass by after the graceful 'interaction' I had with Thing 1 and Thing 2

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A few days pass by after the graceful 'interaction' I had with Thing 1 and Thing 2.

They didn't listen to me. Thing 1 and 2 proceeded to use the car, which resulted it in breaking down while coming to school. According to everyone in the hallways, they had to come by the bus. The horror, really.

I close my locker, after finally managing to stuff all my books inside it. And then I realize I am probably the most stupidest person that has ever graced this divine earth. My lunch is still inside my locker, which means I'll have to open it again, swim the seven seas to find my lunch, and tackle the untamed beast of this metal door.

I'm ordering cafeteria food next time, even if it tastes like vomit and celery.

Don't ask me how I know vomit and celery tastes, you don't want to know.

I struggle to open my locker, trying to make sure all my books don't fall on my feet. Unfortunately, my math textbook (which has to be one of the only books I've hard-binded) comes falling to the floor with a nanosecond of me opening the door. I brace my feet for impact, knowing that this is going to hurt more than those B12 injections I get weekly.

The pain never comes.

I look down to see that it is none other than Thing 1 (or Thing 2), who has caught my book, by the process saving my feet from going to foot torture.

I should be grateful, but I'm hungry. When you're hungry, being grateful goes out of the window. I grab the book from him, stuff it back in my locker, and close the door. (Don't worry, I did take my lunch out.)

"No thank you?" Thing 1 (or is it 2?) asks. I stare at him blankly. He's getting in the way of my food, and I don't like it when someone gets in the way of my food, especially when the food is my Nonna's speciality.

"I thought I needed my brother to say it, you usually don't listen to the stuff that comes out my mouth." I retort. Of course I had to say that.

He chuckles. I hate it when people chuckle. You either laugh, or you don't. What's this thing in between?

"Well, I'm sorry for what happened..." he trails off. Ah, he wants my name.

"Natalia. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to eat." I say and walk off, like the drama queen I am. Booyah. I've always wanted to do that. Another point for Queen Natalia.

"Hey wait!" He says and catches up to me. I keep walking, ignoring him, just out of pure mirth. This blond thing is now walking by my side. Is he going to follow me all day? Because if he is, then he'd figure out where I hid his mother's body. That's a messy scene I don't want.

Just kidding.

I'd love to see that scene play out.

I stop walking and turn around to face him. "What do you want from me?" I ask him. Because let's admit it, half of time you're nagging someone, it means you want something from that someone. He looks flabbergasted. Flabbergasted is a weird word.

"How do you know I want something?" He plays it off coolly. I snort in disdain. "Why else would you be following me?"

"Good point, I need you to fix my car." He murmurs. Of course he does. Sad for him, I won't be doing it. Booyah. Another point for Queen Natalia. I am on a roll!

"Hmm, well Mr...." I still don't know his name, and I'm still calling him Thing 1. But now I'm not so sure if he's Thing 1. What if he's Thing 2?

"Uh, you don't know my name?" He looks baffled. Is it such a global problem that I don't know his name? Have I committed some major crime, that is, other than murdering his mother? I nod tentatively, unsure of why his reaction was so extreme.

"Uh, is it Carter?" I ask. It's a wild random guess, do not judge me. You're judging me, aren't you? I can literally hear your judging eyes.

"No, it is not Carter." He seems annoyed.

"Caleb? Cayden? Aidan?"

"No, no and no."

"Well, clearly I don't know your name, so you might as well tell me."

"It's Jayden. And you can forget about fixing my car." He murmurs and walks off. Weird kid.

I'm going to forget his name before lunch ends, you can guarantee that for sure. I end up walking to the cafeteria, picking a relatively quiet place to sit, and start eating. Because in the end, the answer to all the problems in the entire galactic universe, is food.

well, that update came fast. 

next update : saturday 

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