Everyone, except for him and the two kids, was a boney skeleton with everyone's clothes and hair still attach to them. "Izuku Midoriya is dead."

All of the seleton students got up from their desk and charge at Katsuki, on fear and instincts, Katsuki extended his arms out and activated his quirk. Now he's dealing with skeletons of his peers on fire. They cry in agony, "I'm on fire!" "I'm burning!" "It hurts!" "Why Bakugou!?" "What did we do to deserve this?!" The two kids stare at him with glum expressions, "You hurt them just like your only friend." "Villain! Villain!"

Never in his life, Katsuki would show signs of weaknesses. But today, he did. Screaming at the top of his lungs, Katsuki ran out of the classroom looking for anywhere to get away from this living nightmare. "What in the world is going on!? Why is everyone!?" Everywhere he went, Voices of the teachers and the staff talking loud to other people; one of them was a young policeman with his hair covering one side of his face was handcuffing the principle. "I'm afraid you and all of the employees are under arrest. This school is going to be shut down a new educations system where everyone, including those who don't have quirk, are treated as equals." Another teacher was being pestered by a news reporter woman. "Is it true that you let your students to pick on a quirkless boy, while you and the rest of the staff did nothing to stop it?"

Katsuki ran and ran until he found himself standing on top of the school collapse down on his hands and knees. He felt the air leaving his chest, all of his panic, fear, that was his adrenalin made his breathing much harder. "Kaachan." Slowly raising his head up, Katsuki see Deku standing over the edge of the school with his back facing him. "DEKU!" Katsuki runs over to the green haired boy, "I knew you weren't too stupid to-" "Kaachan. Do you want to join me?" "Huh?" Deku turns around expecting to see his childhood friend's face. Katsuki recoils back in fright and disgust. Deku's face is now smash and disformed. He's missing one of his eyes and a few of his teethes. His noes is broken and crooked.

"I took your advice, Kaachan. I hope you're happy." Katsuki tries to get away, but Deku prevented him from leaving with his arms wrapped around him. "I jump off a building, and got a quirk. Maybe if you jump too, you'll get a better quirk." "No. No!" Katsuki struggles to break free, "I said, no goddamn it!" he then did something he immediately regretted instantly.

He pushes Deku off the school's building.

"No I... I didn't... want it to go this way!" Katsuki yelled. In a flash, and he had no idea how, but he was the one who was falling instead of Deku. Who was standing on the edge looking down on him with a glint of satisfaction. Suddenly he wasn't falling alone when he hears a voice of a young girl talking to him.

"Oh pitiful shadow lost in the darkness, Bringing torment and pain to others. Oh damned soul, wallowing in your sin.... Perhaps... it is time to die."

And everything went black.

Katsuki's eyes snap open, looking up at a dark sky. The sounds of water being paddle told him that he was in a boat, pushing himself up he sees dozens and dozens of lanterns floating in the water. He looks up to the one who is steering the boat. It was a young girl with long black hair and crimson ruby eyes in a black kimono with colorful flowers floating around the silk.

"Where am I? Let me go!" "I'm sorry. But I cannot allow that to happen." "Did Deku sent you to do this? I'll kill you!" Katsuki tries to attack but his quirk wasn't working, even when he was being held back by the same hands that first attacked him. "The place where you are going to wont have humans with quirks. There everyone is equal." Mouth dry, heart sinking, air leaving. It dawned on Katsuki that his time of reaching his goals to be a hero, is over. And he even started his starting line.

"This is vengeance, so I am to ferry you to hell."

"Can you... Relay a message to Midoriya?"

"The whereabouts of Aldera Junior High School student, Bakugou Katsuki have yet to be solved."

People were talking about Katsuki's last sighting and how he mysteriously disappeared from the school's building with no trace.

The Bakugou's were distraught with grief(and anger) over their only son.

New's about his actions towards Izuku broke many people's hears, but no one's heart was more broken than the mother of Izuku.

The boy in question was laying on his bed look at a letter Hell Girl had given him,

If there's ever a reincarnation after hell,
Do you think we can try and be better friends again?

There is no words for me to describe how much I am sorry to you.
I just wish I can take it all back.

Please, Izuku. Become a hero everyone needs. Quirkless or not.
You can do it.


"Please forgive me, Kaachan. But I'll try my hardest for you."

Tears run from his eyes, as Izuku looks down at his chest to see the mark of the seal.

"And on the day I die, I'm sure we'll meet again."

A single candle lit up with the name "Izuku Midoriya" written on it joined with many other candles with names of other people on them in a dark void.

"Your grievance shall be avenged."

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