Chapter 2 - Meeting the Hunt

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( 6 years later )

A lone figure sat on a hill, his leg dangling as he ate a burger with some smoothie, savouring his meal like he always did, expecting each one to be his last. His fourteen year old body raked with stress, along with the feeling of tiredness after killing squadrons of monsters that his supposed grandfather had accumulated to destroy the Olympians.

Not that he had any problems with that, but them destroying would lead to the army come to his home, to destroy the ones he liked and loved, and lay waste to the place he held dear. That was a straight no for him. He knew he could just wait out, but as his mentor said, "Wise men don't wait for his enemies to get stronger, they strike at their weakest links."

Shaking out of his thoughts, he drank off the last of the smoothie, overlooking down to see the styx in its glory clashing against the rocks and flow down below into the Tartarus. His hand wandered off to his book he kept with himself, opening and starting to read until a familiar figure flew down to his side.

"My Lord Perseus" ,rasped the fury Alecto with a smile on her face. 'How many times have I told you not to call me that" ,said Percy as he ran his hand through his disheveled hair, trying to straighten it out. "I know lord, that is why I do it" ,Alecto smirked as Percy just shook his head.

"My lord, your father wishes for you to bring your siblings back to their real home. He had sent them to a school in Maine, but a satyr has caught their scent and half bloods are travelling to retrieve them. Along with that, the Hunt with that goddess seeks to enlist your younger sister in her ranks" ,rasped Alecto as Percy head sprung up on the last part.

"Now now we can't let that happen right" ,said Percy as he got a dangerous smirk on his face, making Alecto shiver a bit as the last time he had got that was not good for a certain male hunter. "It certainly isn't the best my lord" ,said Alecto as Percy stood up, pulling on his tattered edged trench coat over his black shirt, taking his katana with him and putting it on his side as he disappeared into the shadows, leaving a bowing Alecto back on the cliff.

 "It certainly isn't the best my lord" ,said Alecto as Percy stood up, pulling on his tattered edged trench coat over his black shirt, taking his katana with him and putting it on his side as he disappeared into the shadows, leaving a bowing Alect...

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(Percy's trench coat)

(Percy's trench coat)

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