Chapter 25

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When we were in France, he was weirder. He didn't even had meals with us. He spent a lot of time in his phone.

"Does he really have to talk with Hansu this much?"

Namjoon asked me while we were at the buffet.

"I can't understand either"

"It isn't Hansu"

Jimin said, who was next to Namjoon. I stopped what I was doing and looked at Jimin to know with whom Jungkook was talking this much, if it isn't Hansu.


"With Joana"

"Joana? That actress?"


"He met her in that solo video and now flirting with her"

I listened to Jimin and went to talk with Jungkook. I got a slight idea of the new game he is going to play. But uncle Sejin stopped me.


"Uncle, give me a minute"

"No Jin. I want to have a word with you"

"Why uncle? What's wrong?"

"What's your relationship with Sonha?"


"Then why is she trailing you everywhere?"

"I don't know uncle"

"Is that so? Sonha is here. Go and talk with her"

"Here? In France?"

"Yes. She's here. Go and meet"

"Please uncle, tell her I'm having lunch. Or tell her I'm sleeping after the lunch"

"No I told her I'll send you"

"Please uncle save me. Tell her I'm doing something. Anything"

"I'll save you another day. Go now"

I had no way out. Uncle Sejin left me there. I went to see her as I realized I had no option.

🙋Jin, I came to see you


🙋So aren't you happy?

👱Not specially

Others had already left the dining area when I return after meeting Sonha. My plate was there, but I went to my room as my appetite wasn't there anymore.

Next day, I remember what Jimin said again, so I went to Jungkook's room to talk with him. But he didn't open the door, so I went back to my room and called Hansu.

"Hello Jin oppa"

"Hansu... how are you?"

"I'm good, oppa. You are so busy these days, aren't you? Kookie oppa said so"

"Said what?"

"That you are busy. I didn't even call him because of that"

"Did he?"


"Is something wrong, oppa? Why did you call?"

No Hansu it's nothing. I have to go, Hansu. Bye"

I couldn't understand why Jungkook had lied to Hansu. I didn't expect him to do like that to Hansu.

After the show in France, we travelled all around the world for about 3 months. Every time I tried to talk with Jungkook, something came up and I forgot it.

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