Chapter 4: Reunited (Part 2)

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Question of the Chapter:

Who's your favorite MHA character?

Bonus question:

Who's your least favorite?


After a few seconds, she lets go.

"Oh goodness, come in, please! Izuku!" She calls "Honey, could you please make some tea?"

"Sure mom," as we walk in, the green headed boy looks at us slightly confused. He puts water in a kettle and sets it on the stove top as my dad and I look around the room.

"It looks just like when we left. Nothing's changed a bit." My dad whispers.

Izuku eyes me, almost suspiciously, the entire times he makes the tea. I shift my feet uncomfortablely. Why me? Why not my dad, he's the one his mom threw herself on first. Well, my mom. Our mom. Although I'm not sure if he witnessed the whole revelation that happened a few minutes earlier.

Wait, holy shit.

Our mom.

"Please, sit down, make yourselves at home!" Inko says, grabing some cups.

My dad and I sit down on the small gray couch that's facing a TV.

A few moments of silence pass by, and then Inko and Izuku enter the living room with a platter of tea and four cups.

Inko begins to pour the tea, and for a second all that can be heard is the light tink! Of the tea set and the sounds of the city outside.

Surprisingly, Izuku was the one to break the silence.

"Well, I've got a lot of homework to do," he says. You can't help but feel bad. The poor boy looks so confused and uncomfortable and...actually, he looks slightly nervous. He must know something's up. Something big. I wouldn't put it past him. He's smart kid. All that note-taking and people watching has definitely payed off.

"So I'm just gonna-"

"Um honey," Inko - mom says "You should probably sit down. There's...there are some things we need to talk about."

Izuku's eyes scan over Inko, his gaze laced in confusion, and I swear his eyes flicker over dad and I for a split-second.

Inko just smiles at him, as she shifts nervously on the couch, sitting in between me and dad.

"Um...okay." he replies, and he pulls up a chair from the dining room table, setting it up right near the couch.

"Izuku, this is Hinata Dachi," Inko paused. I felt kind of bad. She looked really nervous. "He's...he's your father."

Izuku's eyes widened and his mouth parted slightly in shock.

"You're... he'" Izuku spazzed out for a moment before his expression turned cold.

I'd much rather have shocked and stuttering Izuku. This Izuku is... actually quite terrifying, You shudder inwardly.


Inko looks up, confused.

"Why wha-"

"I'm talking to him," He glares back at dad "Why now? Why, after 14 years, do you decide that now is a good time to come back? I've wondered for years about where you were, what you were doing! And right after I get over it, right when I think I'll be okay, you just show up at our doorstep?"

Dad looks so dejected. He opens his mouth, closes it, and sighs. He runs his hands over his face.

And then he tells him what he told me.

Dad finishes explaining, and stands up awkwardly.

"I understand that this is hard for you...but I-" my dad glances back and Inko and I "I want us all to be a family again.

I can't read Izuku at all. And I know for a fact that dad can't either.

After what seems like hours of piercing silence, Izuku walks up to my dad and does something pretty unexpected.

He throws his arms around his neck and holds on tightly.

Dad was surprised too, but it only took him a second to recompose himself, wrapping his arms around Izuku with a wide smile. Izuku's sniffs give away the fact that he's crying, and so dad gently rubs his back.

Inko and I smile at the interaction, and then somehow we make eye contact.

As if we read each other's minds, we both stand up and gather the now empty tea cups, letting Izuku and dad have their little moment.

Once in the kitchen, Inko looks at me, the smile from before still plastered wide upon her face.

"You must've had a long day, huh?"

I nod, also smiling "Yeah, although long seems to be a bit of an understatement now."

She laughs, and I swear I've never heard anything more sweet.

Omg I can't believe my mom is Inko Midoriya holy shit man!

Before I could say anything else, I see my dad and Izuku (who's still sniffling a bit) walk in.

"Your mom and I can finish cleaning those up if you guys want to go catch up."

"Oh, that's a great idea! Izuku, why don't you two go and get that extra room tided up?"

Izuku and I nod, and I follow him around the corner and into the room.

After entering the room, I think holy shit I'm actually meeting THE Izuku Midoriya.


But I can't make things weirder than they already are, so instead of freaking out like any normal person would, I stick my hand out and introduce myself.

"Hi! My name's (Y/n)! It's great to meet you!"

He gives me a weird look for a moment and at first i think it's because I stuck my hand out for him to shake and I internally punch myself, forgetting that that's not really a thing in Japanese culture.

But before I have the chance to awkwardly pull away, he throws his arms around me like he did with our dad.

Return the gesture, wrapping my arms around him, and then I hear a sniff. I shut my eyes tight and hold onto him, feeling my eyes start to water as well.

"It's great to meet you too," he whisperers between sniffs "Really, really great."

(971 words)




I know this chapter was shorter than usual, but I was just so excited!

Thanks for reading! I'm exited for the next few chapters! Get ready to meet some possible future love interests soon 😈!

Love you guys 💕


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