Chapter 3: Reunited (Part 1)

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A/n: I normal don't do author's notes at the beginning of chapters, but  this song has been playing  my head nonstop.

It's actually really good.

And if you don't know, it's a fanmade song for my girl Toga.

So yeah. Enjoy.


Question of the chapter:

Which anime was the one that made you realize that you were, in fact, a weeb?


Sure, an explanation would be nice, but I'm a little too distracted at the moment to even care.

I mean, you would be too if you were suddenly transported into your favorite anime.

And the fact that UA High School is smack dab in the middle of the bustling city of Musutafu, Japan, made almost every ounce of dignity that I thought I have drained from my body almost instantly.

"Dad, oh my God, we're literally in Japan! Musutafu, Japan!" I squealed. "This has got to be the best day of my life!"

I look around the city with wide eyes. It was just like I imagined it. Maybe even better, actually.

People were moving every-which-way, talking and laughing with their friends, chatting with someone on the phone, or just walking around by themselves, enjoying the beautiful weather. It was...magical.

But then I remembered what had happened in the past few hours, and i ran up so that my dad and I were walking toe-to-toe.

"So uh, being here is really great and all but, how? Like, just how?"

"Well, you might get a little mad at me-"

"I think just being here will cancel out any upcoming anger." I assure him

My dad chuckles, "Okay, if you say so. But don't say I didn't warn you."

My dad suddenly stops and looks around, and I almost bump into him.

"It's kind of a long story but if we skip taking a cab and we just walk then I think I'll have it all finished by the time we get there."

I wanted to ask where there was, but I kept my mouth shut.

"Years ago, back when I was still in elementary school, was when I meet your mother."

My eyes wide and slightly. He never really talked about Mom back home. I asked about her once a few years back, but this really sad look crossed his face, so I kinda just shut down my question in a hurry, and I never really asked about her after that.

I didn't really see the need to anyways. Things were fine with just my dad and I, so I saw no reason to dwell on the past. Especially if that past was painful for my dad.

"I fell in love with your mother almost instantly. And I think she fell in love with me just as quickly. But when high school came, we both took different paths. I went to UA to pursue my dream of becoming a hero, and your mother chose to go to a culinary hight school, as the quirk she had made it hard for him hero, as it wasn't a very strong one."

But a year or so after I I graduated, we end up finding each other again and reconnecting. It was like we never separated in the first place. A few months later, I proposed. But it took a few years first officially get married, because my hero work always ended up getting in the way and dragging me out overseas. In that time I became quite popular as a hero. So popular that somehow I snagged the spot as number two hero."

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