Chapter 5: Questions and Answers

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Question of the chapter:

What is the best fanfiction you've ever read?



After you and Izuku had that beautifully heartfelt moment, you where just showered with them.

But you where more than happy to answer every single one.

"So, um, what's your quirk? Well, do you even have one? Because for a while I, uh, I didn't even have one," he gets a weird look on his face, "but now I do! Have one! A quirk, haha." He laughs awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"WAIT." His eyes suddenly widen and he shrinks back, as if he just severely offended me "You probably don't even know what quirks are! Oh my god, I'm -"

I laugh, finding his flustered and rambling state just as funny as when I witnessed it on the screen. He stops rambling and turns bright red, mulling something that sounds a lot like "Sorry..."

"It's okay Izuku, don't worry about it. I get it, you have a ton of questions. And to be honest...I do too."

"I do know what quirks are, though." I say "Back where I come from, there's this anime called 'My Hero Academia'. It was one of my favorites. Anyways, I was looking for ketchup in my basement, when I found this weird ball thing that turned out to be a portal back to this dimension, which just so happens to be the same dimension of the anime I mentioned."

Izuku's eyes widened in awe.

"So that's how you knew my name!"

I nod, "Yeah, and I know quite a bit more than I should about certain things, which may definitely cause some issues in the future, but we'll worry about that when we get there." I laugh nervously. My voice quiets down to a whisper "Don't worry, though, your and All Might's secret is safe with me."

Izuku blushes a deep red and thanks me.

"But I do have one question though," Izuku perks up "How, um, how would we know if I have a quirk? I know we're twins, so there's a possibility that I'm quirk-less like you were before All Might gave you his hair (which was nasty but totally understandable because I would've eaten a piece of hair for a superpower too, don't get me wrong), but I've been in another universe for what, 13 years? If I have one, it's most likely dormant, so my body hasn't had the chance to grow with it like it should, so it could possibly be dangerous for me if used incorrectly and unknowingly, kind of like your quirk and how you had to train and you still break bones when you use it."

"Wait, I break bones?" Izuku pales.

"Shit I'm sorry I completely forgot to ask, when All Might give you One for All?"

"Last night." He sweat-drips nervously

"OH, well don't worry! From what I've seen so far, you only break a couple fingers and I've broken fingers before so it's completely fine. Nothing to worry about. Just make sure you train and don't push yourself too much ya know?"

Izuku looks like he's about to pass out for a moment before he shakes himself out of the shock.

"You're right, I knew it would be challenging and that I'd have to work harder than the others when All Might made the offer to me, so that just means I'll train even harder!"

"That's the spirit!" I cheer

Thank fucking god that could've gone so much worse.

"Hey! You're supposed to begin training with All Might tomorrow, right?"

Izuku nods

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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