Chapter 2: Internally Fangirling

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Question of the chapter:

Whats your guy's favorite color?


And I jump.

And land on something furry.


I open my eyes to see a...well, I don't exactly know what it is.

Its small and white, and seems to be the cross of a bear, a dog, and a mouse. Oh and it's wearing a...suit.


But whatever it is, I seem to be crushing it.

I scamper backwards off of the animal, squeaky out a quick "Sorry!"

"That's quite alright." It says, picking itself up from the floor and dusting itself off.

Wait what?

"Holy shit, you just spoke!" I shake my head lightly, "Maybe there where drugs in that ball...some really good 'shrooms or something..."

"Funny, I never really pegged myself as a druggie."

My head snaps up and i almost melt with releaf.

"Oh dad, thank God. You're seeing this too, right? I am so confused. Are we dead? 'Cause I'm pretty sure this is what it feels like to be dead!"

My dad chuckles "No, I can promise that you're not dead, hon."

"Oh. Okay, well that's good. I think." I get to my feet, slowly backing up while still keeping an eye on the small fuzzy bear thing I landed on a few seconds ago.

Huh. It's actually kinda...cute.

I shake my head again. I need to figure out what the hell is going on.

I back up a bit more and turn around, promptly knocking my head into a pair of rock-hard...abs?

"Sorry!" I squeak again, twirling around.

I look up and almost piss myself.

Because All Might is standing over me, signature smile and all.

Or maybe it's a cosplayer.

No. There's no way.

"That's it, I'm dreaming!"

"Ha! I can assure you, young Hinata, you are not dreaming!"

Hinata? Like, from Haikyuu?

Wait. He's speaking Japanese! Well, I guess all those years of self-studying really payed off, huh? You think as you sweat-drip.

"Dad, I have to be dreaming! If I'm not dreaming, how the hell is All Might standing in front of me right now?!? And-" I gasp, remembering the fuzzy white creature I landed on earlier. "OH MY GOD PRINCIPAL NEZU! I AM SO SORRY!" I say, while bowing multiple times.

As I apologize, I realize that we're surrounded by a dozen other teachers and Pro-heroes from none other than My Hero Academia.

Nezu chuckled, "It's no problem. I'm just curious as to how you know who we are?"

"I was about to ask the same thing." My dad adds, giving me a weird look.

"Well, um, you guys are kind of a part of this anime from where I'm from but I'm kind of confused at the moment as to why you're standing right in front of me." I laugh, hoping I don't sound too hysterical.

Principal Nezu looks up at my dad "You mean you haven't told her yet?"

"No, not yet," My dad rubs the back of his neck awkwardly and smiles "Things got a little...hectic before we got here."

"Oh, well then I understand that you'll explain it to her soon. But as of right now, we are very happy to have you back, Void." Nezu smiles.


Suddenly, All Might wraps my dad into a bone-crushing hug. 

"It's been a long time, Daichi! The world has missed you!"

" has been... thanks!" My dad says, struggling slightly.

All Might sets my dad down, and he takes a deep breath.

"Well, I'm sorry to cut this reunion short, but there are...some people we need to see."

"Completely understandable." Nezu says. "And there's no need to worry about anything, Daichi. All Might has been taking extra great care of your boy."

Your boy? Huh?

"Ha ha!" All Might awkwardly rubs the back of his neck "What can I say? The boy seems to have grown on me."

"I hope you haven't been getting into trouble now, Toshi." Dad grins.

"I-well, not too much." All Might laughs.

My dad gives All Might a questioning stare, but Nezu shoos us out the door.

"All of that can be spoken of at a later date. Right now, we'll let the two reconnect their family. It has been fourteen years after all. They must be getting restless."

"All right. Well, thank you for everything, guys."

"It's no problem at all! Goodbye, Daichi! Farewell, young Hinata!"

I wave shyly as the door closes.

"Follow me, (Y/N),  I have a lot of explaining to do."

(801 words)



Damn right you do 😂

So, do you guys have an idea of what's going on? Or are you just as clueless as (Y/N) is at the moment?

(I wouldn't blame you if you were)

I know this chapter is a little shorter than the last one, but it's a chapter nonetheless! And don't worry, you've got even more surprises next chapter!

Don't forget to comment and vote!

Love ya guys! <3

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