Chapter 1: Nuggets, Ketchup, and Portals

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This place sucks on a multitude of different levels.

For one, people are rude and fake as FUCK.

Two, I can't legally lock children in the freezer for the night, unless I want to go to jail

And three... um... well I can't think of a three right now, but there is DEFINITELY a three.



I chase the 6-year-old girl around the living room couch for what seems to be the 10th time tonight. I swear, this is why I hate children.

Thank God I don't have any younger siblings.

I finally catch up to her, peeling the phone rumor sticky little fingers.

"HA!" I yell triumphantly.

"No fair!" she wines, stomping her foot on the floor "You didn't even let me give it a bath first!"

"Phones aren't supposed to take baths, April!"

April pouts, but thankfully she doesn't continue arguing.

No, why am I babysitting a child when it is painfully clear I do not like them? Great question!

And the answer is because people are rude and fake as FUCK.

I was supposed to hang out with some friends today, one of which included April's older sister Grace, but they all canceled on me last minute. I got a call a while later from Grace, asking if I could babysitter her sister for her because she had some 'family business' that she needed to take care of. So of course, being the great friend I am, I agreed.

But I did not realize that as soon as I got to her house, the car full of her friends would pull up and pick Grace up to have a night out.

And not just any friends.

The ones that had canceled plans with me just hours before.

"I'm really sorry (Y/N)," Grace had said "We didn't mean to hurt our feeling, but Parker, Liam, and Xavier decided last-minute that they wanted to join, and we didn't want you being the fourth wheel or anything. But you can definitely come next time!"

I made a mental note to make sure that I dump Grace and my other so-called 'friends' as soon as I get home.

I sigh, looking at April, who is still pouting at me.

"How about I make some mac and cheese? It's about time for dinner anyways."

Her face instantly lights up, and she runs into the kitchen, forgetting all about giving my phone a bath.

* * * * * * * *

A few hours later, after a movie, some bedtime stories, and some ice cream, April is finally fast asleep in her bed.

It sprawl myself out in the couch, and let out a very dramatic sigh.

Ring, ring.

I flop over to look at the caller I.D.

Father 🧐

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey hon! I was just wondering when you think you'll be home."

"Oh, hi. Um, Grace's parents should be here any minute, actually."

"Okay, cool. You need a ride?"

"Thanks, but I'm all good. I rode my bike here so it'd be more of a hassle to put it in the trunk instead of just riding it back."

"All right, well I'll leave the door unlocked for you, just let me know when you're home. I'm going out with Josh tonight so I'll be home a bit later than usual."

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