Gray Yeon.

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Gray Yeon.

That was the guy's name.

Thanks to Kingsley, he helped Donald find out who the guy was.

He was also known as the White Mamba.

To Donald, it was a silly name.

He didn't realize it was actually the White Mamba since he was just so focused on murdering the guy.

He knew where Gray lived, thanks to Kingsley's research.

Kingsley questioned why Donald need his address, but Donald just simply replied with "Nothing. Just curious. Find out where everyone else lives, too. I need to send them a few things."

Though, Donald only said the last part to not seem suspicious. Even though he already knew the Union leader's addresses, he was going to send something to them later after all.

Donald's plan was already set.

He was going to murder Gray Yeon.

He's been waiting for quite a while.

Then he could finally be with his beloved.

No one else would get in the way anymore.

He could finally have her to himself.

Donald made his way to Gray's apartment. Knowing the exact location and apartment number.

He wasn't just going to bring a knife and end Gray's life right there. He was going to make him suffer.

Once Donald exited the elevator, he made his way to Gray's room.

Passing by all the other rooms and their numbers, he finally made it to Gray's room.

Though, he wasn't just going to ring the doorbell. He picked the lock himself. Much to his surprise, it worked.

He quietly entered Gray's apartment, making sure to not make any noise. He looked around the clean and tidy apartment before beginning to walk around, quietly.

Everything was clean, it was like it was never touched.

He went up to the microwave and pressed the buttons, setting a timer for one minute. And that's when Donald's plan began to start.

He then began to make his way into the hallways, where there were different doors, leading to different rooms.

He had to be quick, the timer from the microwave could go off any second.

He heard the sound of pages flipping, along with a book closing. He knew that it was Gray's room.

Donald stepped away once he heard a rolling chair roll back, he swiftly made his way to a different door and quickly went inside of it, finding out that it was actually a closet.

The closet was surprisingly tidy. It even smelled like lemons.

Though, the timer on the microwave went off, and it began to beep loudly.

He heard the sound of footsteps from the other room before hearing a door open and close shut.

It was time.

It was finally time.

Donald quickly opened the door, making sure not to make any noise as he quickly made his way behind Gray, copying his foot steps as he stood right behind him.

"Why did this go off...?" Gray questioned aloud as he pressed a button on the microwave, before turning around and seeing Donald right behind him.

Of course, Gray's eyes widen in shock to the sudden break in. He wasn't even aware of it.

Donald immediately attacked Gray once he turned around, both of them were struggling in each other's grips as Donald pushed Gray up against the wall, managing to punch him in the face a few times, but for the rest, he couldn't, due to Gray quickly dodging it in time.

Though, Gray managed to push Donald off of him before grabbing the closest thing that was near him, and that was a chair. Gray used the chair as an weapon and swung it in Donald's direction, the impact of the chair hitting Donald's arm broke into pieces.

Gray was already having a nosebleed. Blood was dripping onto his white shirt as he stood there, panting.

Donald was panting as well, his hood came off and it revealed him and his masked face. Not to mention, but he was wearing black gloves.

"What the hell do you want??!" Gray questioned as he stayed far from Donald, keeping a distance between the both of them.

"That girl you're dating.. I want her." Donald answered as he backed up to the counter and grabbed a knife from the side, glancing over at Gray's direction with his eyes wide.

"(Y/n)...? The hell do you want from her?!" Gray questioned again, as he grabbed the vase that was on the table behind him.

"Easy... I want her for myself. You took her from me. She's mine, you know.."

"She doesn't belong to anyone! Who even are you?"

"Me? Oh. I'm her beloved. Donald Na, founder and leader of the Yeongdeungpo Union. Nice to meet you, White Mamba." Donald answered as he gave him a glare, walking up to him before Gray threw the vase at him. The glass scratching Donald's face and making his skin bleed, giving Gray the opportunity to pick up one of the broken pieces of the chair off the floor and charging Donald with it.

He hit Donald continuously as Donald was currently covering his eyes with his hands, it stung his face and his eyes, so he couldn't exactly see properly.

Plus, Donald swung the knife at Gray, slashing Gray and making a large wound right across Gray's chest along with ripping his shirt.

The red blood dripped onto Gray's white shirt, making it soak up all the blood.

Donald removed his hand from shielding his eyes and saw that Gray's back was visible to him.

Donald's mind was completely filled with thoughts. The guy he hated for so long was on the brink of death right now. All Donald had to do was kill him, right then and there. The she could finally be his.

He gripped onto the knife tightly, raising his arms up in the air before stabbing the knife through Gray's back repeatedly.

A wide grin formed on his face as he kicked Gray into a nearby wall and stabbed his chest continuously until he couldn't see movement from Gray anymore.

After that, Donald pulled the knife out of Gray's chest and exhaled.

He was panting.

He was covered in someone else's blood.

He just murdered someone.


He didn't care.

He was finally peaceful.

He could finally be with her.

A small laugh escaped from his lips until it started to become more crazier, and he began to laugh maniacally.

After minutes have passed, Donald made his way into Gray's room and saw his phone, laying on the table.

He quickly grabbed it and surprisingly, there wasn't a passcode.

Donald made his way back to Gray's dead body before crouching right next to it and snapping a photo.

He went over to Gray's messages and saw the (h/c) haired girl's name with a heart at the end of her contact name.

He clicked on it before sending the image to her, along with attaching a message.

'I'm coming for you, darling.♡'

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