A Seed

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Almond woke up to the amazing smells that came from the kitchen downstairs. He smiled and made his way to the main room to find everyone sitting at the table talking. That is, everyone except Lemon Tea and Lavender Tea. Pecan moved around the table delivering pancakes from the tray she held in her hand.

"Well look who decided to wake up!" She said with a smile as Almond entered the room. Almond breathed in the air and a smile spread across his face.

"You don't know how much I missed your cooking." He said and took a seat next to Walnut who had her face stuffed with a whole pancake. He laughed as she swallowed and syrup dripped from her mouth.

"Just because we're at the families house doesn't mean we forget our manners." Almond said and dabbed his napkin on her chin. Walnut smiled and cleared her throat.

"Thank you, Aunt Pecan!" She said with a smile and went back to the stack of pancakes in front of her. Pecan laughed.

"Anything for my niece!" Pecan said and returned to the kitchen with her now empty tray.

"PINEAPLE I NEED ORANGE JUICE STAT!" They heard her yell from behind the door. Almond shook his head and turned to his own stack of pancakes. 

Pecan walked out after they all finished and smiled.

"Anyone want more?" She asked and they all groaned. Madeleine rudely burped and patted his stomach.

"I must say! I have never tasted finer cooking in all of earthbread!" He said with a smile. Pecan laughed and walked back inside the kitchen to cleanup.

"Going somewhere Espresso?" Almond asked and turned to see Espresso trying to sneak up the stairs. Espresso chuckled nervously and waved his hand dismissively.

"Just because we're at a different house doesn't mean we stop working!" He said. 

"Yes I'm sure we all have stuff to work on, but Espresso? Be careful, the books get temperamental when they're not with someone they recognize." Almond said and turned back to the rest of the friends. Espresso grumbled and stomped up the stairs. As he walked down the hallway, he noticed that Lemon Teas office wasn't hidden. He stopped by the doorway as he heard talking.

"Now remember, envision the minerals turning into the seed." He heard Lemon Tea said and he peeked around the corner. Lavender sat at a table with her father and a jar full of dirt sat in front of them. Lavender Tea closed her eyes and squinted hard as she tried to focus. A little spot of dirt started to shift but it stopped soon after.

"I can't!" Lavender Tea said and looked away from Lemon Tea. He turned her to face him.

"You can. Never tell yourself you can't. It just gets in the way of you doing amazing things." Lemon Tea said.

"Well obviously she can't do it, because it's impossible." Espresso said from the doorway. Lemon Tea sighed.

"You can't make a seed out of just straight up dirt!" Espresso said and rolled his eyes. Lavender Tea stood up to argue with him but Lemon Tea pulled her back down. He took the jar and walked over to Espresso. He held the jar out to Espresso and stared at it. The dirt once again started to move at the side where the jar faced Espresso and soon it formed with a pop into a seed. Espresso rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. The seed didn't stop growing however and soon something green emerged from the coating. The plant grew and soon flowers adorned it.

"Is anything really impossible for magic?" Lemon Tea said and shut the door as he placed the jar back down on the table. Espresso stared at the wooden door in front of him.

"Fascinating." Was all he said and he walked back to his room.

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