A Phone Call

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Almond paced the white tiles in the hospitals waiting room. Chairs lined the side walls and were rather uncomfortable. That, of course, could just be how restless Almond was. He couldn't sit still and could only focus on his friends. The assistant watched him behind her desk with a questioning brow, since she had nothing better to do.
"It doesn't help to worry so much, y'know." She said but Almond ignored her. He was way too deep in thought as he tossed his phone back and forth. If he was going to call him, now would be the time but was it the right choice? He sighed and paced some more. The assistant sighed, shook her head, and left without another word.
May immediately appeared beside Almond. Because she was from the spiritual plane, any sight from a mortal could get her in trouble. Hence, why the Mentor acted so eager to get her away.
Almond continued to pace, not even seeing that his wife had appeared.
"Al." She said and started to pace with him.
"Aaallll." Still no reply from her husband.
Almond spun around in shock.
"Oh... May... I'm sorry... I just..."
"It's ok, darling. I'm quite used to it by now. After all, we spent years side by side with each other."
Almond smiled at the fond memories that popped up but quickly shook it away.
"Should I call him?" Almond asked her and stopped his pacing.
"If I were you... I would. You can't face Black Tea alone. You should know this by now." May responded.
"I know but I just... I don't want to endanger anybody anymore."
May sighed.
"If anyone can handle himself it's him. Now call him." She said.
Almond stared at his phone for a couple minutes before he finally typed in the number.
"Here goes nothing." He said and held the phone to his ear.
May held his other hand in support and he couldn't help smiling. It had been a long time since he felt that touch but nonetheless the smile disappeared as soon as a voice came across the other side.
"Yes, brother dear? You're not on one of your anger sprees are you? I can't give you any information."
Almond sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"No. I, of course, suppose you already know what happened?"
"The incident at Lattes house? Of course. Do I think it is wise to move them here? Indeed I do."
Almond rolled his eyes. His oldest brother seemed to know everything even before its been done.
"Will I send some men to collect some information about our youngest brother? Already done."
"OK you can stop now." Almond said and he could see his brother smirking on the other end.
"Can you just make sure the family knows? I'd hate to make Mother mad the first day they're there."
"Absolutely reasonable. I'll get to it. Oh, and Almond?"
"We do this together this time. No more of this lone ranger business."
Almond remained silent for several seconds.
"Agreed." He finally said and hung up. He released a heavy sigh in relief. May smiled and intertwined their fingers.
"Good job, Al."

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