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Roquefort Cookie walked into Almonds office and immediately noticed the petals. "Uh hey whats with the petals?" He asked walking over to where Almond paced. "Hm? Oh... uh... Walnut gave me a flower and it died." Almond said coming up with the terrible excuse. He turned back to the corkboard in front of him. He squinted trying to concentrate but he could sense Roquefort staring at him. He sighed. "How about you start looking at the files." He said not looking away from the board. "There's a pattern here. There's... always a pattern." He whispered to himself, looking at the pinned pictures. Roquefort scoffed. "Who told you that?" He asked as he flipped through the files.
"My mentor, actually." Almond said and took a sip of the coffee he had in hand.
"Wait, you had a mentor?"
"Of course. How did you think I became such a good detective?"
"I don't know. I just thought that you figured it out along the way."
Roquefort said and went to look at the corkboard.
"You know, thats not always true."
"Hm? Oh it is. You just have to look closely enough. For instance, all of the expensive artifacts stolen have been said to have a curse or a blessing on them. Its curious." Almond said and tapped the board.
"Yeah but any criminal that doesn't want to be caught won't just easily show... wait... you may have a point, Almond." Roquefort said.
"Yes I usually do with these things. Also when we're at the precinct you will address me as Detective." Almond said and backed away from the board.
"Yeah, ok, whatever. But don't you see it?" Almond raised an eyebrow at Roquefort.
"All of these items... they've been stolen right before they were put up for auction." Roquefort said. Almonds eyebrows raised. He did have a point. "So it must be someone that knows when these auctions are going to be. They could even have connections." Almond said.
"Yeah but thats out of thousands of cookies. How on earthbread are we going to narrow it down?" Roquefort asked.
Almond smiled.
"Easy, we plan a trap."
"Well what other artifacts have not gone missing? We grab the next one up in value and we fake an auction. The thief will show up and we'll nab him." Almond said.

If everything works we may catch the person behind this. If  he doesn't see it coming.

Almond shook his head. There was no proof that he was the one behind this, yet. "You make it seem so easy. There are so many ways this plan of yours could go wrong." Roquefort commented. Almond shrugged.
"Well," Almond grabbed his coat, "won't hurt to do some research will it?" He left without another word and Roquefort rushed to catch up with him.

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