A Rarely-Used Guitar

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"Dad?" Walnut whispered as she entered his bedroom. She was having trouble sleeping and if anyone could help it was Dad. She cuddled Junior Sleuth Ted as she approached the bed. Tapping her father, she whispered once again, "Dad?" Almonds eyes fluttered open. "Walnut? What are you doing out of bed?" He asked gently.
"I couldn't sleep." She said and rubbed her eyes.
"Yeah well neither can I." Almond said and got out of bed.
"Come on let's get you to sleep." He said and picked up Walnut. On the way out of the room he grabbed his rarely-used guitar. Hugging her fathers neck, Walnut leaned in as they traveled down the hall to her room. Almond walked into the room and, putting down his guitar, settled Walnut in her bed. Once she was settled, he picked it up again and started to play. He stumbled several times due to the lack of practice but Walnut didn't notice. Soon she fell asleep listening to the soft steady sound of music. Once her eyes closed and several seconds past, Almond got up and quietly left the room. While heading back to his room he checked the time.
It was only 12:00 A.M.?
He sighed, put away his guitar, and climbed back in bed. Soon, just as it had taken over Walnut, a soothing sleep overtook Almond.

Almonds alarm clock rang annoyingly at 6:30. He groaned and smashed it to shut it up. Groaning some more, he got out of bed and shuffled down the hall.
He reached the kitchen and immediately made a cup of coffee. Walnut sat at the counter reading a detective novel as always.
"Are you ready for school?" Almond asked sitting down across from her.
"Uh Dad? It's Saturday. I don’t have school remember?" Walnut said and giggled.
"Oh yeah... I knew that." Almond said drowsily.
"Why are you up so early?" Almond asked.
"I have a case." Walnut said proudly.
"And I intend to solve it."
"Of course. You know where to find me if you need help, Detective Walnut."
"I'll take that into account, Detective Dad." She said, ate her breakfast, and ran up the stairs to her room. Almond smiled and soon followed, wanting to get the day started as well. He sat down at his desk and opened the files. There was still no sign of his brother which was, if anything, odd. His brother never could stay this quiet for this long. What was he planning? Where was he? How had he survived? All questions Almond was dying to figure out, which was mainly why, when Latte invited him over for a group get together, he politely declined. There was no time to break, not with this case. His brother was dangerous and Almond had one duty. He had to protect the city he swore to defend and if that meant putting his own brother behind bars, then so be it.

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