•Chapter three•

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I'm really just bored so why not another chapter??? I have nothing else to do so I guess I'll write 🤷‍♀️ Enjoy :] <3

                    •At the Sleep Over•

The boys were just playing truth or dare and random games and Austin and Kase got really close. They had to share a bed and the others slept on the floor. Austin had just came out of the bathroom and noticed all the boys had fallen asleep, He smiled to him self and just shook his head. He climbed into the bed with sound asleep Kase and turned to face the wall, until he felt something odd, something warm, it was a pair of arms wrapped around him. Austin blushed a deep red and froze, not knowing what to do, he felt Kase pull him closer to his chest to the point where Austin could hear his soft breathe. Austin soon relaxed into the touch and cuddled close.
_ _ _ _ _

Austin was awoken by the light of The sun escaping through the blinds on the window. Something didn't feel right, there were no longer warmth around him. This upset Austin  but he went to go look for everyone. He found them all in the kitchen talking. Austin was hungry and so was everyone else. They all agreed and went out to have break fast. They went to IHOP and ate for a bit then they went to go have fun at Daved Busters and soon they all got exhausted and agreed to go home.
_ _ _ _ _

Austin got a call from his parents saying that they had to go out of town for a business trip and had agreed with Kase's parents to let him stay with Kase for awhile. Austin got excited and hung up the phone and explained the news to Kase. Kase seemed happy and was glad they were able to stay with each other for awhile.

End of Chapter Three.
Making Chapter Four :]

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