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For the next two days, Lisa and Irene spent time with Jieun's family. They got to check the whole property that Jieun owned.
On the evenings they have barbecues on the back porch and Irene being whipped with the kids is having a lot of fun.

After that, Lisa decided to take Irene for a few days of exploring the beauty of Monaco.
Irene got a little teary eyes when saying her goodbyes to the two girls who's trying to hold back their tears.
When they are inside the car and Irene check outside she saw Jieun carried Catherine and caressed her back coz the second child is sobbing. Denise just hug her Mommy then wipe her tears.

" Are you okay Love." Lisa asked then gripped Irene's hands

" The kids were so precious. "

" Jieun's planning to take the family home to Korea after Unnie gives birth."

" They'll be exposed if they stepped in Korea. You know how the media works there." Irene get worried

" Jieun wants to introduce her family soon."

" Why?"

" Unnie is having a hard time with this third baby. And Jieun knows that even Unnie don't complaint about their situation , she really want to freely walk on the street in Korea and meet her family and friends who is base in Korea. "

" What about her career? "

" Love is love , love has no gender , you know that. Jieun being a parent and having a family with a woman is not suppose to be the basis of how  talented she is. And even if she stop her career, she can provide luxury and comfortable life already to her family. "

" So, we really need to work hard starting from the time we arrive in Korea,. "

" I've got good investment and savings already Love, we can start having our family immediately . "

Irene rested her head on Lisa's shoulder while their hands  intertwined.

" I'm a proud person Lisa, of course I also want to have a share on comfortability of our future kids "

" I am so happy with you , Love"

" So am I ,Lisa, Love. "

Jieun's chauffeur took them to Monaco for almost an hour drive. They checked in Hotel de Paris Monaco. Irene looked so expensive with a floral retro vintage Audrey Hepburn with a coat with a Prada pumps while Lisa look so posh with Prada peach tailored suit with pants with Prada loafer heels .

Before they were able to leave the reception area. Irene tried to fixed Lisa's crinkled sleeves.

Lisa smiled and put her one arms on Irene's waist then walked to their room. Lisa even stole kisses inside the elevator.  Lisa was well aware that there is no cctv on the elevator and even if there is she really don't give a damn.

A staff in the hotel was waiting outside their room. Lisa handed the staff a pretty good tip which made the staff smile and say Thank you.
It's a pretty nice suite. The interior was really intricate. Irene removed her coat then check the balcony.
Their balcony is facing a eye candied landscape of colorful winter flowers.
Lisa backhugged Irene .

" We will explore Monaco for two days then we're going back to face our lives in Korea. How I wish I can keep you far from Korea."

Irene caressed Lisa's arms then squeeze the hands.

" I love you Lisa "

Lisa felt like she was strike by a lighting that penetrated her body up to her chest that made her heart beat so fast. They have fun and expressed their likes to each other and make love for few days but that's the first time she heard Irene said I love you.

Lisa kissed Irene's cheek down to her neck .

" I love you Irene. "

Irene turned around and faced and lovingly caressed Lisa's face while the latter's hands were still on her waist.

" One day when time will come that fate won't let us be together......"

" Don't say that Love, that will never gonna happen."

" Just in case.. I'll always remember the moments I have with you, your love, your care , everything."

" Love please, don't say these words again.. you and me ,we will be together, no fate will determine our future." Lisa said while hugging Irene so tight, she felt a pinch in her heart.

" Our relationship is sureal. Im feeling like having a wonderful dream ."

Lisa cupped Irene's face and give her a chaste kiss . " This is reality. A reality, our reality. I love you "

It was another moment to feel all those tingling feelings. Moment that make them want to be feel each others warmth under their clothes.

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