𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒳𝒳𝒱𝐼

Começar do início

"No," she squeals when I run my hand down her waist.

I chuckle, "You're so adorable. You need to be protected."

"No," she sits up on my waist, "You need to be protected. Look at your pouty lips and cheeks. You're a baby," she squishes my cheeks and I blush.

She squints her eyes and gasps, "You like being babied! Don't you?"

I widen my eyes and turn my head away but she holds onto my jaw, "Aww," she coos, "My baby likes it when I compliment? Does he?"

I nod hesitantly.

"I love it," she leans and pecks my lips, "So cute," she grinds on me and I groan. 

"Don't do that," I warn her.

"Why?" She bats her eyes, "Is my baby getting turned on?"

"Yes," I clench my eyes shut, "Please, dear. I don't want to jerk myself off imagining you-" I close my mouth with my hands.

"I- I didn't mean-"

"It's okay," she giggles, "You won't do that today."

"What?" I ask.

"I'll help you," she winks as her hands go down to my sweatpants.


"Shush or I'll get angry!" She says.

40 minutes later...

I was sweating and panting heavily, "D-dear."

"Shush," she comes out of the covers with a smirk.

"Let me touch you," I plead.

"No, baby," she frowns, "You'll pull on my hair."

"I won't," I beg with my eyes, "I'll only touch."

"No," she says, "Should I go back into the covers?"

"No," I cry out, "I can't anymore."

"But I am not done," she says.

"H-how did you even learn all of this?" I ask panting.

She shrugs slowly pulling the covers away and picking my sweatpants up from the floor handing them to me. I slip them on shyly.

"You're so amazing, dear," I smile lazily extending my hands to her.

She grins and hugs me. I wrap my arms around her tightly. I'll never let go of you, my dear. You're so precious.

"Baby," she starts, "I'm gonna miss you when I go to Egypt."

I chuckle, "Who said you're going alone?"

"What?" She raises her eyebrow.

"As a donator, I chose to go with you guys," I inform her, "I'm gonna be with you when you go to Egypt."

She widens her eyes, "Really?"

"Yes. First-class flight, five-star hotel, VIP rooms, all for us," I state.

"Tae!" She whines, "Why did you do so much?"

"Because I want my wife to have the best time in her expedition," I smile.

"Wife?" She blushes.

"Do you not want to be mine?" I ask.

"Of course," she hides her face in my neck.

"We should go on more dates," I state.

"Why?" She asks.

"So that I can propose to you on one of those dates," I reply.

"Aaah," she hits my chest.

I chuckle, "Is my dear shy?"

"You're making me shy," she digs her finger into my chest slightly.

"You're so amazing," I brush hair back, "I thought I was a dom," I chuckle, "But you proved me wrong."

She giggles and kisses my cheek, "You're even more amazing."

"Am I really?" I look down.

"What's wrong, baby?" She asks cupping my cheeks.

"I'm just scared," I gulp, "What if something happens to you?" Again, "I can't live without you."

"Why are you so scared of losing me, baby. I'm not going anywhere," she rubs her nose on mine. 

"Promise?" I ask. 

"Promise," she smiles.

I know I shouldn't be depending on small promises but I don't have another option but to hope that I can keep her safe and sound with me

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I know I shouldn't be depending on small promises but I don't have another option but to hope that I can keep her safe and sound with me.

1095 words

A/N- Y'all I remember writing a whole death scene chapter for Yuna but later deciding against it 🤣
Here's what I had written lmao

A/N- Y'all I remember writing a whole death scene chapter for Yuna but later deciding against it 🤣Here's what I had written lmao

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He was killing a doctor or nurse or something lol

You guys probably would have killed me lmaoooo. I was gonna pull out full summoning Anubis and Osiris 💀

I'm so glad I didn't do that.
And yes, that's the hospital scene from the car accident ;p I was originally going to kill Yuna.

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