Seunghee looked at her with confusion. "What are you doing? Let me go, I need to help that poor guy!" She implied, trying to get out of her grip.

Saebyeok looked in her direction and intensely stared at her. "I won't let you get killed by that bastard."

"Seunghoon, help me!" She pouted at her brother, who was drinking his beverage. He took a glance at her then sighed.

"I'm sorry, but I agree with Saebyeok. I can't even take him out on my own, what makes you think I can fight him and his entire group?"

Seunghee breathed heavily, before giving up and sat down. She felt sympathy for the guy who was getting beat up harshly and was probably dying, while the people behind the mask did absolutely nothing. 101 panted heavily then walked away from his body to bend down to drink the remaining liquid of the broken glass bottle.

Seunghee saw 218 and 456 walked up to the body. "Hey, wake up." He spoke, patting his body. When he didn't answer, 218 put his fingers around his neck.

"...He's dead." He announced, looking back to 456. The people widened their eyes and began to murmur.

456 bent down to check the body and saw no signs of him breathing. He quickly got up and made his way to the guards. "Hey, guards! Can someone do something?!" He questioned. "That man died. He was murdered. He got killed by that bastard over there." He pointed to 101, who was standing by.

"Can't anyone hear me?!" He exclaimed. He looked around to see a security camera. "A man just got killed! Aren't you going to do something? We shouldn't be killing each other. Like this."

"Player 217, eliminated." The woman in the woman PA announced.

Seunghee looked back at the big screen to the numbers of players going down, but the number of money going up. The players then heard music filling up the room, to see money flying down the piggy bank again. Footsteps could be heard approaching. The heavy metal doors opened, revealing more people with a mask on, but this time holding casket.

They carried the dead body, before putting it on the casket, then headed out of the room.


Seunghee looked at the clock that was ticking to see there were less than thirty minutes left before lights go out and everyone goes to 'sleep.' She turned her attention back to Saebyeok and Seunghoon.

"Listen, neither of you sleeps tonight, okay? It's going to be a massacre and that guy is most likely going to start it." Seunghee referred to 101.

"Of course, I'm not an idiot," Saebyeok replied.

"It's also most likely he's going to go after that girl." Seunghoon pointed at the woman who snitched from earlier.

They heard footsteps coming, making them turn their heads. It was 456.

"Are you guys okay? If you guys need help, then don't hesitate to come at our beds over there." He pointed out his fingers in the direction. Saebyeok looked away to the ground.

"No thanks, I don't trust people." She responded. 456 raised a brow and pointed at Seunghee and Seunghoon.

"But, what about them?"

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