I didn't see any dreams after the nightmare that day. I forgot everything after talking with Murin. It's true that the dream lasted only a few seconds, but I suffered for hours inside that dream. When I woke up next day, there was something worse than a nightmare.

"A visitor for Jin"

An assistant manager woke me up. I assumed it was Murin because of what happened in the hospital, so I went to the visiting room without even getting dressed properly.

🙋 Jin

Sonha came to me and held my hand.

🙋 Good morning

👱 Morning

She destroyed the goodness of my morning and now say good morning.

🙋 Are you still sleepy?

👱 Yes. I want to sleep. Shall I go now?

🙋 Oh Jin. It was only yesterday I knew that you were hospitalized. I booked a flight and hurried to Korea.

👱 Is that so?

🙋 Yes. How are you now?

👱 Good.

🙋 Jin, can you come to our home for dinner tomorrow?

👱 Are you crazy?

🙋 Why would I be crazy? I have to introduce you to mom and dad.

👱 For what?

🙋 Oh Jin. Aren't we about to marry?

👱 Sonha, I don't know from where you got these nonsense to your head. But I will never marry you. Not even in my dreams.

Sonha was there shouting some more things, but I yelled at her and went to the apartment. I don't know what I should do to make her understand.


Next days were spent for the work of our album. We were nominated for a lot of award ceremonies. After the effort of months, we released the album and had more freedom.

"Shall we go to the restaurant of Jin hyung's home made kimchi?"

Hoseok suggested. I expected everyone to say no because we were exhausted y then, but to my greatest surprise, everyone agreed.

Everyone started to get ready that I didn't even had time to call Murin. I sent him a text, but he didn't reply.

Uncle Sejin also came everywhere we go.

"Is this honestly because you want to eat kimchi?"

Hoseok answered when uncle asked.

He drove us to our home. I realized that I don't remember the passcode of the gate when we were there.


Namjoon asked me, and I told him.

"Yahh... is there really anyone who can't remember the passcode of his own home?"


Yoongi said, standing behind us.


Namjoon asked in surprise as he received an unexpected answet.

"Jin hyung"

"Hah hah hah"

We all laughed. Namjoon realized the joke only when we finished laughing.

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