6 - Mr. Miller

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"It's so difficult to love you!"

"Then why do you even try?"

"Because my damn heart is as stubborn as you are."


George left for school before the other two. He's had perfect attendance since Freshman year, and not even those two idiots would change that. He made a quick breakfast for them and set them in the fridge with a note on the fridge door saying there's food in there for them to eat.

Nick and Alex were notorious for arriving at school fashionably late. They only get away with it because all their first period teachers always love them. Nick's teacher this year is the football and basketball coach, and having Sap being the school star basketball player and the best offensive lineman we've had for years has its perks.

Alex on the other hand just won over his teacher with his charismatic tendencies. He's smart, outgoing, and isn't entirely obnoxious, which gives the teacher less stress. He knows Alex can cause more trouble than he actually does, so letting him be a few minutes late and having a peaceful classroom in return is a deal he's willing to make.

It was 7:30, school started at 8 and as per usual, the school parking lot was completely swarmed. Bussingling sophomore's and annoying freshmen crossed the street, not giving two shits on the drivers. It's like they're asking to be hit. Well, in this world, they probably are. Not like George has any room to judge.

George soon finds a spot near the football field. A perfect spot because he has a feeling Coach Barnes is going to be asking him for help on preparing for football tryouts. Since he's the team manager, he has the displeasure of having to sit through watching sweaty, strong, muscular, hot men exercise and show off so they can get a spot on the team. 

He hated the first week of school for that very reason. He hated tryouts, he hated having to actually watch these strangely attractive guys throw a ball around for hours. It made his inner self scream with insecurity and dread. George only got into the manager position because of Sapnap. He basically forced and guilt-tripped him into it.

And since George is one of the best organizers out there, the coach begged to keep him on. George reluctantly agreed after being offered a teacher assistant credit from Coach Barnes himself. Fewer classes, less stress, looks good on the college applications. George could stomach it for another year.

George pulled the gear shift into park and let out an airy sigh. I already want to go home and the day hasn't even started yet. He internally groans and reaches over the passenger seat and grabs his backpack. He shoves his keys into his backpack pocket and jumps out of the car, clicking the button on the outside handle to lock it.

First day of senior year. Yay. Should be the best day of his life. Keyword: should. George believed it would go mediocre. The occasional ice breakers in each class, annoying pick-me freshmen, and the loud and obnoxious boys that sit in the back of the class were all traditions. George has gone through it 3 times already, it's nothing he hasn't been through before.

The one thing he's dreading is the possibility of being in the same class as Aubrey. He didn't even want to look at her, but he knew he'd have to do with it since she was the cheer captain. He'd have to see her, whether he wanted to or not.

George walked through the courtyard, heading towards the table he and his friends have sat at their entire time going to Sage Coast High. Already sitting there was Luke and Dylan, both on their phones playing, what George could only guess, was a co-player game from the way Dylan was screaming at Luke. 

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