His one hand scours behind his back, clawing at the doorknob until his fingertips touch the metal object.

"...i have to, sorry."

As soon as the words are spoken, he takes the chance to pull the knob down.

"No!! Don't go!!" his manager darts towards the door, trying to catch the actor.

But Beomgyu was fast enough to rushes out of the room and latches the door with a chair to prevent the man from holding him back.

"Choi Beomgyu!! Please, don't go!! I beg you don't go!"

Hearing the load squall with despair causes a deep hole in his stomach, a feeling of regret grows in his stomach.

He softly traces the door expanse before leaving his place, not looking back.

He spurts to the enterance, detecting the exit door right away from afar. His legs fastens its pace, moving them so as if they could become invisible anytime.

"Ya! What are you doing?" Ryujin shouts, as she sees her brother running to the direction of a total chaos.

"Bro! Are you dense!?" she rants, running along with him.

"Yes, i am."

"Juhee is out there and she is surrounded in this mess!" he attaches, being out of breath so he slows down his celerity.

"Wha- hey! Don't catch up! Wait!" his stepsister calls after him, speeding up her pace.

She still holds an bewildering expression on her entire face, looking consistently over her shoulder back with her eyes revealing a spark of repentance. Her eyebrows press even more together, forehead rucked, as she detects her brother's confident countenance.

She never feel the anxious sensation like at this moment, pervading in every muscle, in each nerve, perfussing through the blood vessal.

It's just an lunatic idea.

Reality hits when she notices them being near the eterance, a trifle away from an actual mayhem, fraught with intrusive people, armed with cameras and microphones.

"B-beomgyu, let's turn bac-!"

The black haired female claws at his sleeve to thwart him from making a move closer to the exit door but the unexpected thing happens now.

She is taken aback as she carries away his jacket instead which the brunette doffed at the meanwhile, running further.

So she just stand there, lost with a denim jacket in the middle of the hall, in shook.

"Let the bodyguards do this! Come back! Just don't go in there, i-!" she pants first, being out of breath.

"...it's venturing" she ends whispery.

Beomgyu listens to the audible warning behind his back, ceasing his track and turning his upper body from afar at the girl who is holding his beloved jacket.

He gulps one last time before he reaches out for the door.

Some workers in elegant dresses or in formal suits playing their attention to the long haired mulett, bemused on how they are acting towards eachother without knowing the actual trouble.

"Sir, the bodyguards are coming anytime so don't worry, okay? They will tidy up the clutter" an elderly woman calmly says, holding a sweet smile.

"Don't let them jump on you. It's what they want" a man in his middle thirties adds, watching the crowd from outside i literal disgust.

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