"You don't have to, i already know."

The brunette should braced for the grave concerns that would hurt his chest and make his heart arching dolorous.

Taehyun subside his head, letting go off the wall to fumble with the hem of the the denim jacket, not venturing to show his small smile.


"But I trust you."

Taehyun then looks up only to see a confused yet surprise Beomgyu. Chuckling softly at the view, he pecks onto the older's molding lips which leaves the other still speechless.

"A reliationship contains a lot of things including faith." the blonde takes a pause in between, using the chance to loops his arms around Beomgyu's neck.

"I'm able to patch my distrust to something better, to relying myself again on being able to trust someone i just get to know months ago. I finally know i don't need to be afraid of being left alone anymore because I'm sure someone won't leave me - you won't leave me. That's why i trust you with my heart."

Speaking of heart, Beomgyu's heart just wrench painfully as he hears those words that should make him alleviated but it seems like he isn't.

Taehyun trust him.

When he dares to break the trust line, it is bound to end in disaster. He cannot admitting it, not even thinking about the slightest thought of this horibble scenery.

He would forfeit the love he desires the most, everything personificate in one person named Taehyun. He would never forgive himself for leaving the blonde behind if he ever does. All the blissfully love, he is bathing in, he would fall into and endless hole of blood-curlding solitude, mouldiering away alone. All the trust he gained, would riddle through a sieve and dissolves in the air.

"Why are you trusting me?" Beomgyu ask levelly, remaining severe unlike Taehyun who is smiling readily.

"Because you are the reason."

A soft chuckle escapes Taehyun's mouth as their forehead bump against eachother and so does Beomgyu. After the time passes by, the bathroom is filling with mellow giggles.

Both shut their eyes close, feeling eachother's presence. Beomgyu briefly pecks onto the other's lips before smiling like a creep again.

"Why are you laughing?"

"You are still in your pyjama."

Both are laughing again. Nothing is better than to laugh with the person you like the most, especially when you are the cause of the laugher. It simply feels marvelous.


It just makes you remember of the beautiful scenery you won't forget easily. Basically the time when you and your crush laugh together because you makes him or her laughing.


"Come, let's leave. Where do you want to go?"

"It doesn't matter as long as I'm with you."

"Ugh it's so cheesy." Taehyun says, feeling invective. He flinches at Beomgyu's try on pecking his lips again, giggling afterwards as he accidently hit its face.

He let go and runs away from the brunette, rushing hurriedly towards the bathroom exit.

"Yaa i like my face! It doesn't deserve to let someone deform it! Come back here!"

Beomgyu also sprints out of the bathroom, following the younger who smiling brightly until he can't feel him smiling anymore.

The light clicks off.

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