"Three-Three people. Um I-I think I am okay. I think Aiden-" He swallowed thickly as he glanced down at the older male.
"I think his head got hurt really bad. It's bleeding a little and he is trying to sleep."

"Okay, son. I am going to need you to keep him talking to you. Can you do that?" The male voice questioned.

"Aiden?" Elijah questioned quietly, receiving a low hum in response.

"I'm awake, Elijah. Keep talking. It's nice to focus on." Aiden mumbled. Elijah swallowed thickly but glanced towards the window where he finally saw the man. He had been so focused on himself; he had not even noticed the male was staring inside.

"What about this older gentleman? What do we have going on here?"

"He-He is bleeding pretty bad. I'm trying to put pressure on the injury, but he isn't waking up." Elijah explained, his eyes flickering between the man and Jamison.

"Alright, here is what is going to happen. There is going to be a loud noise because we have to pry this door. The sides got crushed in the crash and we can't get in. Will you be okay while we do that?" Elijah could only nod in response. It was not long before he heard the loud noise and he cried out, shifting his body to cover Jamison from any further injury.

"It's okay, Eli....we are going to be okay." Aiden's soft voice broke him out of his fear, and he nodded, despite his trembling as he pressed his pressure to Jamison's injury.

"He is really pale, Aiden. I'm worried about him." He whimpered quietly, but his eyes shot up as the door to the car was removed.

"Hey, kid. It's okay, it's okay. We've got it from here. We are going to get him out of here. I need you to back up for me."

"The seatbelt is jammed." Elijah whispered quietly as he pulled away from Jamison. He moved back into the backseat, his arms winding around Aiden to pull the older male against his chest.

"It's okay. I have this handled. Just sit back there and once we have him out, we can get this back door off and get you two out. How is your other friend looking? Is he still awake?"

"I'm awake." The muffled voice of Aiden came through as the older male simply allowed Elijah to hold him. He could feel the small boy's entire body trembling and he wished he had the ability to comfort him.
"It's okay, Elijah. It's okay."

"I-I'm sorry." Elijah whispered as he tried to keep himself together. He refused to watch as the man began to carefully remove Jamison, shouting a few orders to those behind him.

"Alright. Another loud noise while we remove this door." Elijah only nodded in response, and it was not long before the second backdoor was opened.
"Come on, let's get you out. Then we can get your friend onto a gurney." The male's offered Elijah a kind smile and his hand. Elijah did not wish to leave Aiden, but he understood this male was helping. So, he grabbed his hand obediently and climbed out of the car. He watched with fearful eyes as Aiden soon followed, being moved onto a rolling bed, a gurney as the man called it.

"Careful, please." Elijah pleaded with those moving Aiden, watching with wide eyes.

"'S okay, love." Aiden mumbled as his eyes closed.

"Let's get you two to the hospital. Your friend is already on his way there." The kind man spoke gently to Elijah, guiding him towards a vehicle.

"Wa-Wait!" Elijah shouted as he noticed Aiden being brought to a different one.
"I-I need to stay with him-"

"It's okay. He is going to be brought to the hospital and we will-"

"No! I need to ride with him! Please, I can't leave him." Elijah pleaded as he tried to pull away from the male, despite how his pained body protested.

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