CH. 2 This can't be real

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While she was laughing, the lights in the house started to flicker.

I took a couple of steps back from her.

"Liam, you're a new person in the area. Do you think police officers have time to play a sick joke like this on you? Do I look like someone who would associate my time with officers to even play a joke on you?" She said.

Every step that she took, the lights would turn on and off.

"Do you honestly believe that if someone called regarding a trespasser in their home that the reporting officers would pretend that they couldn't see the trespasser?" She said, getting closer.

She stopped walking, the lights turned off and stayed off for one minute.

As soon as the lights turned on, she was right in front of me, smiling creepily.

"Boo," She said, jumping.

I let out a yell and fell back.

My body hitting the floor, letting out a loud thud.

"Liam, so far, you're the only person that has been able to see me." She said.

"No one else has been able to see me but you." Faith said, bending down to get on my level.

"You see this house that you are in. The house that you call yours. Well, it's my house." She said, shrugging.

"If you're nice, I might let you live here for a bit, but so far, you haven't been nice to me. I mean, you've even called the cops on me. That wasn't very nice." Faith said in a taunting voice as she stood up.

"What do you mean, I'm the only person that's able to see you?" I asked her in a low voice.

Fearing the answer, she would give.

"What do you think it means, Liam? You seem like a smart, educated man; I'm sure you can figure it out, or did the fall cause you to lose some brain cells?" She said.

I was irritated with her; she was making fun of me. I wasn't in the mood or position to be made fun of.

"Just answer the question," I said when I saw her tilt her head as if she wasn't going to.

I decided to do the one thing that I didn't want to do. But this might make her budge.

"Please," I said softly.

She brought her head back to a straight position and stared at me.

"I've been gone for two years, and I've been in this house, roaming it for two years. No one has ever been able to see me but you, Liam. You just purchased a haunted house that's being haunted by me." She said.

"Sorry that wasn't in the listing description, but I never wanted this house to be listed in the first place." She said.

"Haunted... by you.... Doesn't that mean that you're-" I started to say, but she finished my sentence for me.

"Dead? Probably." She said.

My blood ran cold.

"And you're the only one who's been able to see me. Not anyone that's been in out of this house and not anyone that I could see from the windows." She said, shrugging her shoulder.

"Which makes it easier for me to kick you out." She said, smiling.

I let her words settle in.

She's a ghost?

That's haunting the house, and that's why the police officers that I called to come to have her remove couldn't see her.

That's why she's able to do these things around the house?

The Beautiful Trapped Ghost (BWWM)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz