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Diwali gift for you all! 🎉

Have a safe, healthy and happy celebration with your family.

Enjoy the chapter.





Manik called her name frustrated from her daily stupid antics. He was coming downstairs when his mother stopped him calling him from behind.

"What happened? Why are you shouting early morning?" She asked and Manik take a deep breath to calm himself down.

"Mom! Where is she? And please don't tell me that you don't know. Mom tell her to come in front of me right now or I'll.." Before Manik could speak more, his beautiful wife cut his sentence.

"What happened to my monkey now?" Nandini asked coming out from behind the pillar where she was hiding while Manik cringed at her endearments which she used on him and his mother laughed looking at the cute newly wed duo.

"You seriously need to see the choice of your endearments, wife. " Manik said rubbing his temple with his forefinger and look at his wife who just rolled her eyes at him.

Ever since they got married, Nandini called him with her weird endearments whatever that comes to her mind.

First it was okay with him, calling him rude, arrogant, jerk, workaholic and even Monster. Because already there were many people who called him with these names. And he was already known by these names due to his rude, arrogant, angry behavior.

But green eyes monster, dracula, monkey, handsome chimpanzee was too much for him.

"Who find chimpanzee handsome except Nandini Murthy?" Sometimes he asked to himself.

"Why did you called me to say this? Then let me tell you I don't have so much free time like you." She said showing off her attitudes.

Manik raised his eyebrows that she still had the audacity to give him the attitude after what she did.

"Guys, this is not your bedroom so please continue your Tom and Jerry fight in your room." Roshni said making her way out from the there while Manik hold her arms and dragged her to their room.

As they entered their room, Manik pushed her inside and lock the room from inside. Nandini gulped audibly and stepped back when he starts taking predatory steps toward her.

"Why did you did that?" Manik asked in a calm yet in his cold tone placing his hands on the either side her head caging her between him and the wall.

"Because you made fun of me this morning, that's why. " She said glaring at him angrily with her cute doe eyes while crossing her arms on her chest and her lips pursue in a small pout.

"Nandini, that doesn't mean that you will give my all employees a day off. " Manik groaned and she grinned widely.

She used his laptop and send mail to all of his employees to take a day off using his email id.

"That's not my fault. Who told you to tease me that you are dreaming of a very beautiful and charming girl these days. " Nandini asked as she huffed.

"But I told you that girl was you. " Manik said.

"But still it was your fault. You shouldn't have been so engrossed in your day dreaming that you forget that you have a wife." She said and Manik looked at her unbelievably that she is jealous with herself.

"I agree that I'm beautiful and I'm happy to know that you are dreaming about me but you should have shared that with me." She continue

"You know whenever I looked at you lost and that stupid smile on your face it got me so worried. And I was tensed whole week because of that and you didn't bothered to tell me. " She said in one breath and relax herself giving him a accusing look.

"Really! Then who told you to prank on me? In fact accusing me that I'm having an extra marital affair. You could have asked me directly and I would have answered you straightly. " Manik said.

"But I forgot that you don't do anything without drama. " He said and she gritted her teeth.

"What! Did you just said that I'm a drama queen?" She asked.

"Ask yourself. " He replied nonchalantly shrugging off his shoulder.

"Listen you cocky, arrogant, workaholic, obnoxious husband of mind get one thing clear don't you ever call me a drama queen, or else I'll... " She stopped and pulled his collar bringing his face closer to him.

While Manik was amused with her boldness. Sometimes she acts too shy too even take his name or even look at him and at the same time she acts too bold that she herself don't realize.

"Or else you will what?" Manik asked playfully as he knows her answer very well.

"Or else I'll complaint to Mom and papa they will scold you for calling me that. " She threatened and leave his collar.

"Oh! I'm scared. " Manik act feigned frightened while her chest swells with proud that she managed to make her Dracula scared of him.




And he burst out laughing.

"You are so meanie!" She yelled at him and stomping her foot on the floor pouting angrily.

But he ignored her, throwing his head back and laughing loudly he was enjoying the moment of today.

"You are such a cute baby. " He said and pinched her cheeks before he move back.

Did he just insulted me by calling me a baby!

She thought.

"You Vampire! How dare you to call me a baby?" She asked poking her index finger on his chest.

"What? Baby is cute and I called you cute. What's wrong in that?" Coughing, he wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes that spilled due to excessive laughing.

" Do I look baby to you? Am I wailing like a baby?" She asked and he chuckled.

"And do I look like a vampire to you? " He asked placing his one hand on the wall and leaned towards her.

"Have you ever seen yourself on the mirror when you are angry? You look exactly like a vampire. " She said.

"But do know what vampire do?" He asked in his rasped husky voice.

"They bite. " He whispered on her ear and bite her ear lobe slightly making her shiver.

Nandini gaped at him wide eyed as he pulled back from her. Manik chuckled looking at her red cheeks as she looked down shyly.

One moment she is like bold angry bird and another moment the shy queen.

"You are very bad. " She mumbled, her voice coming out muffled as she buried her face into his chest.


A/N: Hello beautiful people!

How's your celebration of Diwali going on?

Coming back to the chapter!

How was it?

I literally laughed while writing the scene where Nandini called him Monkey.

Do tell me in the comment section what was your favorite scene today's chapter?

And what do you guys want to read in the next chapter? I mean what are your expectations or guess about the upcoming chapters? I'm very keen to know it.

Till next update stay safe and healthy and good luck.

And don't forget to follow me 🤗.

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