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Third Person's POV,

"Don't say that. You know right now all the girls of our office is very jealous of you. "


"Because you are the P.A of our hot and sexy CEO." Navya said winking at her.

"Hot and he! Come on! He is so rude and arrogant. A true Monster! I thought he would gulp me down instead of the coffee. " Nandini said and they both laughed.

On the other side,

"Kabir! What's wrong with you? If I'm not answering your call it means I'm busy don't you understand this?" Manik scolded him loudly as soon as he picked up his call.

On the other hand Kabir made a cry baby face.

"Mumma, bhaiya (brother) scolded me." In a cry baby tone Kabir complained to his mother whining that she should scolded him for shouting at him.

"He did very good." Roshni said supporting his elder son, Manik.

"Dad, Mumma doesn't love me, he loves only bhai." He then complained to his dad pouting but nothing helps all laughed at him.

"Manik, I have a great news to share with you." His mom said sounded excited.

"Mom, not now please I'm busy. " Manik said almost cutting the call but Roshni stopped him.

"No wait! I have found a girl for you. And I feel she is perfect for you. She is my best friend's daughter and I really liked her for you. Her family is also very good. If you agree, then we can proceeds to this proposal. " Roshni said with enthusiasm.

"Mom, do whatever you feel is right." Manik replied nervously clearing his throat.

"Great then, we will go to their house this evening. You just come home soon okay, dear." She said sweetly.

"No, Mom it's not possible. I have a very important meeting in the next few hours, so I won't be able to make it. " Manik said.

"No, Manik... it's not possible. You have to come within next one hour and that an order got it! It's not about you only, it's about her too. She also has a right to know about you. So you are coming and that's final." Roshni said and he groaned mentally.

"Fine." Manik replied in a defeated tone.

"By the way, her name is Nandini. " Before cutting the call, she said hurriedly and he nodded.

"Cancel all the meeting for today.. I need to go home urgently. " Manik messaged his manager, Farhad.

"Oh God! Where am I stuck! I was good with my files and laptop." He groaned in frustration and held his head.

"Nandini. " The name repeated in his mind and he closed his eyes and laid on his chair taking a sigh of relief.


The color of her face turned pale as soon as her mother dropped the bomb on her head.

"Please tell me this is a joke."

"What joke? Go and get ready quickly they are on their way." Her Mom, Asmita handed her the dress and pushed her toward her room.

"Mom, Why didn't you inform me before? I would have come late from the office." Nandini whined but it was useless because things were already done.

"Actually, it wasn't pre-planned, they suddenly informed us that they are coming so I said yes. How can I say no to your in-laws and thank God you came early today. " Her mom said taking a breath that she has done all the preparation to welcome them.

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