Why is cupid so cruel?

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Chiaki x Kamukura wedding

It's not fair.. I fell in love with him and he said he loved me too.. but he lied to me..

Komaeda stood outside the venue of Chiaki Kamukura and Izuru Kamukura's wedding while smoking a cigarette silently as he heard the happy guest inside having a nice time without him..

Why did I come here..? There was no point.. I'm just gonna go home..

He flicked the cigarette and began walking as clouds started rolling in with dark hues covering the once clear sky as the sky began crying onto Komaeda..

Jeez just my luck..

He didn't know if he should stay or risk getting sick but he walked back into the cover the roof of the venues outside smoking area had and decided to just wait it out as the sky continued to pour down, after some time he heard the door open up and then someone tap him softly on the shoulder. When he turned his head he saw it was just Kuyzuru who was accompanied by Tanaka and Souda, Komaeda turned away because he assumed his appearance wasn't a sight to behold, "hey.. you okay man..?" Kuyzuru was the first to ask and sit beside Ko but the other just looked away from him, "you should come inside.. your shaking real bad" Souda said as he sat next to the shortest of them all but Komaeda shook his head before speaking softly, "I can't have the newlyweds seeing me like this.. I'm absolutely disgusting.." he mumbled as he covered his face in his arms and it made the other three realise why Ko was so upset, Kuyzuru pulled Ko into a hug that it made Komaeda feel so small as he began to cry softly into the other's neck.

"I'm sorry.. but it's not fair.."

"I know, Ko.. it's gonna be okay.."

"We're here for you, man"

"It's okay, Mortal.. we are here.."

They kept reassuring him as the sky began to clear and they all stood and helped Ko get into a car before sending him off away from the wedding, he had hoped that Kamukura would comfort him but this was okay as well.. after all, happy endings are never a big occasion in Komaeda's life so he shouldn't expect much.. he didn't talk to anyone for days, never left his house or ate even sleeping wasn't there, there was no importance in his life anymore because Kamukura wasn't in it..

I never knew how desperate I was for Kamukura's love or attention but now I feel like I'm dying without him here.. but he's married now so there's no point in trying for his love.. so why live on? I miss him.. but it was never met to be, I guess..

"Guys, I'm worried about Ko.. maybe we should go check up on him.." Kuyzuru suggested while he walked with Pekoyama and Souda, "yeah.. I haven't heard from him since the wedding.." Souda mumbled as he rubbed the back of his head and Pekoyama just nodded along with him. "Well I think his house is pretty close around here so we could just stop by.." the shorter one said as they continued walking closer to Ko's house while feeling extremely paranoid about his well being. Considering he is an already very sickly man it's super worrisome when he doesn't call or text anyone for days, weeks or months so he could be really sick or hasn't taken any of his medication and his having a depressive episode or the worst case is that he could be dead..

Kuyzuru used the spare key that he had and unlocked the front door with ease but when he entered with the other two behind him.. something was off. The house was cleaner than usual like nothing had been moved, no dishes were left out, no trash out and no sign of Komaeda anywhere so they began walking upstairs and noticed the same thing.. it was way to clean to be Ko's house but Kuyzuru still jiggled the doorknob to Ko's door. When he entered he noticed a lump on the bed with white hairs sticking out from when end so he knew it was Komaeda so he stepped forward and sat on the bed next to him while rubbing his back with soothing hands as he felt the other begin to shake as a soft sob escape him, it made himself and the two others hearts break too see what had happened to their friend because of Kamukura..

"It's okay Nagito.. it'll all be okay.."

"I'm sorry to keep doing this to you.."

"It's okay, we'll always be there for you.. I swear.."

This seems like a nice way to go.. in the arms of his friend as he slipped into unconsciousness from the medication he had taken prior to their arrival, he liked the idea of leaving..

and for once he felt inner peace..

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