You deserve nothing

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Au: everyone is just a bunch of regular high school students put into a simulation but are treated differently outside sim based on how much the audience liked them for example, popular characters live in good areas while unpopular characters live in shitty apartments and bad neighbourhoods.

Tw: mentions of self harm, substance abuse

"I heard Komaeda woke up recently"

"Really? They should've killed him when they had the chance"

"I know right.. he was horrible!"

"He doesn't deserve anything"

"He's so pathetic"

Komaeda sat in his dingy apartment, which was in a horrible part of the city, as he watched the television talk about him waking up and interviewing people..

'maybe I should die? It'd be better for everyone'

Komaeda stood up and walked into his bathroom, he began looking through his cabinets for his medication but accidentally knocking all the bottles on the floor, some of the caps popped off and the medicine fell on the floor causing slight panic throughout Komaeda as he started shaking violently as his eyes clouded with tears and his breathing became laboured but he heard the sound of the letterbox opening and closing as the soft sound of paper hitting the ground was heard. He quickly wiped his eyes before walking out the bathroom, tripping over his feet, and picked up the letter he had received to which it had the hopes peak symbol on it. Komaeda scoffed upon seeing it while he opened it and he skimmed over the contents of the letter.

'Reunion of Danganronpa crew!"

'You have been invited'

'Interview and QnA'

The white haired male scoffed again as he saw the date was the next day before dropping the letter and rubbing up his arm, running over the scars and puncture marks from needles from either blood test or other things he was unable to mention to his therapist. He just decided to go anyway.. it's what the people want so he'll provide to the public.

He stood outside the huge gymnasium of his old school, he kept his hands in front of him when he walked in while keeping his head down as the crowd of people watched him, he only lifted his head up to look at all his old class mates sitting on the stage in front of him before took a step on the stage and sat down on one of the seats. He felt so uncomfortable as he played with fingers while still looking down. After the host of the event explained everything the questions came flying in, Komaeda said nothing until a question was directed to him.

"Komaeda how does it feel to know your one of the most hated Danganronpa characters?"

Komaeda looked up for the first time and blinked slightly as he sighed, "I don't know.." he said as he rubbed his hands together but he had another question.

"Komaeda what are your living conditions like?"

He rubbed his eyes while groaning slightly, "take a wild guess.." he snapped back as he rubbed up his arms and turned his head to the side but quickly looked away because his classmates were staring at him with intimidating stares.

"Komaeda are you on anything? Any type of medication?"

'Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up'

"Yes! Okay I take medication! Just leave me alone!" He held his hands in his lap while staring down, "holy fuck.."

"What about illegal substances Komaeda?"

"S-stop talking to me like your my therapist! I don't give a shit about your fucking opinions of me but it's technically all your faults about my current situation!" He said as he held his head while sniffling, "you know nothing.. nothing.. just leave me alone" he mumbled as he stood up with his arms tightly wrapped around him as he walked out of the gymnasium but he started getting swarmed by questions while having people pull at his arms, sometimes on his hair.

"Komaeda! Tell us about your home!"

"Tell us about the medicines your on!"

"Tells us more!"

"We deserve to know more!"

"Tell us the truth!"

"Let go of me!" He shouted as he pulled away from them all, "leave me alone! I just want to be left alone!" He shouted as he felt the threads of his jacket sleeve rip from all the pulling inflicted upon it, he quickly shrugged off his jacket to look closely at the damage but he heard gasps from the reporters and he realised he was wearing a short sleeve shirt and the old scars were on full display for everyone to see. He hid his arms behind himself but the public wanted more, they started pulling on him to try and see more of the scars that littered his body, "get the fuck off me!" He shouted as he pushed them away, some of the staff of the event tried to pull them away from him but barely successfully. He fell over in the process and backed up into a wall, he couldn't help but shake and almost start crying.. he was scared, scared that he'd be put in worse conditions if his popularity worsened.

He had people screaming at him, asking intrusive questions and trying to grab at him but he started to curl in on himself and covering his ears while not being able to make an actual sentence. Until a blanket of hair wrapped around him, kinda like a security blanket, and lifted his head out from his knees, "K-Kamukura..?" He whimpered as the other cupped his face in his hands, he leaned into the touch softly and started sobbing softly as he hadn't felt comfort in months or maybe years. "Kamukura, I'm scared.. I hate it here.." he said as he pulled on his hair slightly, he suddenly felt another hand on his back and it was Fuyuhiko softly rubbing his back, "come on man, it'll be okay.. everything will be just fine.." he said as he helped Ko stand, the taller held tightly onto the smaller's arm as he walked him out of the school with his other classmates following and covering him from the camera's that were on him.

They all went to where Kamukura lived to make sure Komaeda was alright.

"The next gen of Danganronpa are gonna be faced with the harsh reality when they leave the simulation and be left with nothing.." he sighed softly to himself, he had his knees up to his chest while Fuyuhiko was sat next to him, "it's not fair, not fair at all.. why do they get to decide what happens..?" He put his hands in his hair as started pulling softly on it, "and then they want more, more more! And then their surprised when someone breaks.. they don't care about me.. or any of us.." Komaeda said as his nails dug into his scalp, "I just want to be left alone, I never agreed to this.. I regret everything.. I only woke up a few days ago and this has already been shoved down my throat.." he removed his hands from his hair, he just wanted to curl up somewhere and die.. anywhere away from everyone else.

He looked up too see Kamukura in front of him, trying to comfort him and working slightly before sighing and sitting down with Komaeda, "Nagito.. you can stay here if you want.. I don't mind" Kamukura mumbled to Komaeda, who's eyes lit up slightly.

"You'd let me stay here?"

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