Chapter 17

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This can't be happening. Of all the times to get shot this is one of the worst times Blake. We'd come back two weeks ago after he had been shot pretty badly and he still hadn't woken up.

I was hoping he would have woken up by now because the doctor I had hired had said his vitals were stable and he was healing just fine .
I was losing my mind waiting around in this apartment and watching Blake looking paler and more deathly wasn't helping my anxiety.

"The pacing isn't helping me work effectively Ares," the doctor says while checking his vitals again .
"You said he would be awake any day now . It's been a week ." I stop to stand near the bed . "Patience isn't one of my skills doctor. You should know that by now ," I said before walking out of the room.

We had taken out most of our biggest threats but one of them had gotten away after shooting Blake so here we are .

I pick up Blake's car keys and drive to Venus' apartment. I know her address by heart . After all , I was the one that moved her in .
It had been so long that I didn't know where I'd begin to explain why I had disappeared for years .

The door to her apartment looked the same as it did all those years back except that this time I couldn't bring myself to ring the bell .
What if she doesn't want to speak to me ?

Fuck it !

The sound of the door bell sounds much louder than it actually is and it feels like forever before I hear her dainty footsteps coming towards me .

"Hel - ," she freezes in the middle of her sentence when she sees me .
"Hi ," I say nervously. She looks just like she did two years ago . No she looks even more beautiful than she did then . A wave of emotion washes over me reminding me just how much I missed her .
She was one of my closest friends and I left . God I am such an ass.

"Hi ? You disappeared for two years and all you have to say to me is hi ?" She immediately starts scolding me like I expected. " If you were anyone else I would slam this door in your face." She continues.
But I am not anyone else so I know she won't .
"I've missed you so much ," I blurt out effectively stopping her rant .
She stops for a second before pulling me into her arms for a hug . " I've missed you too you asshole."

"Listen , I am really happy I came to see you but I came to talk to you about Blake . It's urgent ," I say as we enter the apartment.

By the time I fill her in on everything that went down , she's in tears and asking when she can see him . I know he'll be upset about me allowing the woman he loves to see him in that state but I am out of options . She needs to know .

"Let's go to his apartment, I suggest you pack some stuff for a couple of days ," I say while inspecting the photos of her and Tia on the coffee table .
I wonder how her life has been since I left . I kept my men on her for a year but I stopped after I realized she didn't need the protection anymore . I was clearly very wrong about that .
"Mozzarella cheese  and strawberry milk , she doesn't change ," I laugh to myself as I look through her fridge and cabinets.
She still has the adorable pink and green muggy we made at our pottery class when she had just moved here .
It's all still here .

"Find anything ?" She said from the door way .
" I wasn't looking for anything Vee . I was snooping like always," I say with a smile . "Are you ready to go?"

The car drive is quiet and tense which isn't unexpected but from her , it's unsettling . "You can ask," I say breaking the silence .

"I know ." She says looking at her hands . "I just don't really know how to start ."

"I am sorry for disappearing," I start. " there were some complications with my work and I had to get away to deal with everything. I am sorry for not saying goodbye . I didn't have a choice."

"You should have told me , but I understand," She smiles. " I am glad your back . I've missed you ."

The rest of the drive is quiet but this time it's not because of our issues . She's worried about Blake I can tell.
She loves him . I've known her for over seven years , I know when she's in love .

He's perfect for her . I approve .

Hi guys , I know this is a short chapter but I wanted to give you guys a glimpse into Ares .
How was this Chapter? What do we think of him ?

My life is finally cooling down so I can write again . Yeiiii.

Our Little SecretOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz