Chapter 5 ( edited )

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Hi guys I am changing the writing style of the book. Thank you for reading

*Pictures of her apartment above*


He dropped her off at her apartment and placed a kiss on her forehead before leaving .

"I'll see you tomorrow," he said before winking at her and driving off .

She stepped into her apartment and released the breath she didn't realize she was holding . He was so intoxicating. It was impossible for her to think straight when he's fingertips touched her skin .

Taking off her makeup and dress, she stepped into the shower and let herself day dream about him as the extremely hot water warmed up her body . While taking a shower, she thought about how he kissed her neck tonight , how he constantly checked that she was comfortable and asked about her life . The attention he gave her made the butterflies in her stomach came alive . Was she starting to feel something for him ? She quickly shakes those thoughts away and steps out of the shower.

She picked out a simple pant suit for the next day and got ready for bed. Slipping under the covers, her body gave into the exhaustion the moment her head hit the pillow and sleep came easy that night .

"I can't stay away from you ," he said walking towards her and pulling her into his arms .

His hands stroked her cheek as his stared into her soul. She couldn't look away from him despite how hard she tried.

"I want you. All of you," she says leaning into his touch .
He smiles before leaning in and passionately kissing her . They were suddenly on her bed and she straddled a shirtless Blake as they continued passionately kissing. His hands went to her hair pulling her back and his lips immediately started kissing , biting and sucking on her neck .
She moaned as he left love bites on her upper body and her hands traveled up and down his toned arms.
His hands traced up the skin on her hips pushing aside small nightdress . He gripped her hips and took one of her nipples into his mouth with a moan .
"You are mine ," he whispered in her ear while entering her . She moaned as he watched the pleasure overtake her .

The alarm rang loudly though the apartment waking her up with a jolt .
"It's was a dream ," she says to her self before dropping back down on the pillows.
"He's now in my dreams? Great . Just great ," she says as she quickly gets ready for work .
Since she had no time to get breakfast, she decides to pass by the coffee shop next to the office and grab something to drink .
Walking into the coffee shop , she smiles at Edward the owner before placing her order.
Edward was the same age as her but he had managed to run a successful business .
They had become friends when she first started her job as an assistant. He was a good looking man with dark hair and a smile that could light up any room . His arms were covered in tattoos which made him look dangerous but he was really a sweetheart.
He walked towards her with a smile and pulled her into a hug .

"How is your morning beautiful ?" He asked taking a seat next to her .
" It was rushed," she said with a blush .
"See , I make you blush . Give me a chance and go out to dinner with me . Please ," he said with a pout .

He was always flirting with her and asking her out . She had always said no but she was feeling brave today and decided take a chance since she didn't know how Blake really felt about her and she didn't want to get caught up with a man she wasn't sure of .

"Fine . I'll go out for dinner with you this once ," she said as the barrister brought her coffees.
"Awesome. If you don't feel anything by the end of the night , i won't ask again . I promise ," he said holding his hand to his heart and flashing her one of his smiles.
"Okay ," she says before walking out and heading to the office with a smile .


He had decided to stop for coffee on his way to work to give her enough time to get there before him .He took a seat at a booth in the corner  and answered a few emails in his phone while enjoying his breakfast.
He was surprised when he saw her walk in and order two coffees but before he could go to her, a handsome man walked up to her and pulled her into a hug.

His jaw tightened as he watched her blush while the man flirted with her. He overheard her agree to go on a date with him as she walked out of the coffee shop .
He was filled with an unknown emotion. His chest felt heavy.

How could she agree to go out with another man after the nights they had spent together? Was she not interested in him? Did he have feelings for her?
Millions of questions flooded his mind as he walked up to his office .

Stepping out of the elevator, he saw her looking at something with her back facing him. Leaning against the wall , he watched as she intensely read the contents of one of his files . He liked the interest she showed in his business.

She was everything he wanted and she was about to go on a date with another man . He was dying to walk over and beg her to not go . He wanted to drop to his knees and tell her how he felt about her . He was in love with her dammit. He had been in love with her since the first day she walked into office .

Walking over and wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her into his chest and placed a kiss on her neck .

" I overheard you at the coffee shop ." He says as he turns her around to face him .
"What exactly did you overhear ?" She asks looking into his eyes .
"Why are you going out with him ?" He sternly asks .
"Because I am an adult and he asked me out . Do you have a problem with that ? " she asks .
"Yes . You aren't allowed to go out with anyone else  ," he says as he jaw tightens .
"We aren't dating . You said it was just sex . I'll go on dates if I want to ." She says raising her voice  a bit .
"Fine !" He says before angrily storming into his office and slamming the door behind him.

He angrily paced around his office as he thought about what to do . How dare she decide to go on dates while seeing him ? He was racked with jealousy but he knew he couldn't stop her from going .

He decided to focus on his upcoming meetings to distract himself .

He had a meeting with one of his partners that afternoon and he couldn't wait to get it over with so he could have some words with her.  She had done an extraordinary job with the meeting as always  and everything was ready in time . He was still fuming at the fact that she was going on a date with someone else . It drove him crazy just thinking about how she she smiled at him.

The meeting ran smoothly with the exception that all he could focus on was how great she looked in a pantsuit. Her hair was in a ponytail today leaving her neck exposed. His fingers itched to touch her exposed skin and pull her hair .He smiled as he remembered their conversation that morning and how good it felt to have her wrapped in his arms .

He watched as she got up to help  set up the presentation and his eyes instantly  fell on her ass that looked even more delicious in those pants. He couldn't wait to spank it later .

He looked around to distract himself from his growing erection and caught one of the men at the meeting also looking at her ass and no doubt thinking the same things he was .

He clenched his fist at the thought of her with another man . As his eyes once again fell on her, he thought about how breathtakingly beautiful she was.  She made him want to bend her over that conference table and take her in front of everyone every-time she put that pen in her mouth . Her lips looked so juicy and delicious. He wanted to kiss her .

What was this woman doing to him ?

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