Chapter 18

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A couple of days later

"Do you think he'll wake up soon?" Her angelic voice sounds through my head laced with worry .

Where am I ? What happened? Who is she talking to .
I try to open my eyes and move my hands but everything feels so heavy . I hear Ares and an unfamiliar man's voice talking before everything fades away again .

The sun in my eyes is the first thing I see when I open my eyes . Everything feels so fuzzy and bright .
A shot of pain in my stomach reminds of me of what happened on the trip.

"Are you ready to go home now ," Ares asks as we walk to the car .
The clean up crew had arrived and it was all over for now . I hope this is it for a long time .
"Man I am getting too old for this," I laugh as I wipe away the blood from my hands with a handkerchief.
"I don't know , I still have a few years left in me ," he laughs .
"I want to go home to my girl . You know start a family and all that cheesy stuff you hate ," I say packing away the equipment.
"Yeah , it's time to call it but you have to make me godfather to your kids . I am your bes- ," his face pales when he looks up .
That's when I hear the shot and Ares tries to shove me out of the way but it's too late .
Pain explodes in my stomach and everything goes black.


"Hey , how are you feeling ?" Her voice softly flows through my head as she strokes my face .
She's here . I didn't lose her . She's safe .
Nothing prepares me for angelic sight that graces me when I open my eyes . Her face is illuminated by the sun making her look ethereal.
Did I die ?
"No but were injured ," she says softly smiling at me .
"I am so sorry I left love ."
"The doctor says you need to rest , I'll get some painkillers ," she says before leaving .

I am attempting to sit up when Ares walks in with a smug smile on his face .
"Please don't gloat. I am in a lot of pain right now and I will shoot you too," I laugh.
"I promise I won't gloat ," he raises his hands in surrender. " I am just glad your alive asshole . You scared me for a second there ."

I laugh at the sudden wave of sentimentality he's showing. He's never been the 'feelings' kind of guy , he's more of a 'break your neck' kind of guy. Although it's nice to know he cares .
"Aww you have feelings . Are you going soft on me Ares?" I tease .
"Don't get your hopes up ," he laughs before adjusting my pillows so I can sit up .

She hadn't returned to the room after 40minutes and I was starting to worry . I should have known the gunshot wound would be too much for her. I am an idiot .
I told her I loved her through a note and then disappeared .
I wouldn't blame her if she decided this isn't what she wants . She's too good for me .

"She's worried about you ," Ares breaks the comfortable silence we had been sitting in .
"I wouldn't blame her if she chose to be done with me ."

"She loves you Blake , but she needs answers . You can't keep lying to her," he says with an odd look on his face .
That's when it clicks . They must have talked . That would explain why the air is awkward .

"Did you tell her why you left ?" I ask .
"No ," he says without looking at me . " I don't know where to start . How do you explain the woman that was one of your only friends why you ghosted her ?"
"I see ."

He had eventually left to go deal with some last minute work and it was just us left . I was shot up with enough painkillers to numb a horse so I showered and changed my clothes while she called the doctor .
We were now sitting in complete silence as the sound of the tv filled awkward silence .

"I am sorry for leaving , I had something's to take care of before we could properly be together . I wanted to keep you safe and I can't explain wha- ," I try to explain but she cuts me off .
"I already know . A scary looking guy came looking you at the apartment and then the wound . I pieced it all together , you don't have to tell me . It's better if you don't ,"she turns to me with a warm smile . "I saw your note by the way ."
There was a man at her apartment? What man ? I know I should dive deeper into that but right now there's something more important I need to know .

"And ?" I let the question hang between us .

"I love you too Blake ," she says with a blush .
"I love you Venus . This isn't how I wanted our first time saying it to be but I love you."
"Get well soon so you can show me just how much ,"she teases .
My dick twitches at the thought of being between her legs worshiping her until she's screaming my name in pleasure .
"Why don't you come here and let me start now ,"I say .
"Oh no you don't sir. Recovery first , pleasure later ," she says before placing a soft kiss on my lips .

"How about I beg ? I'll get on my knees and everything baby ," I smirk .
"That's an offer I'll take you up on after we get those stitches out next week handsome," she smiles.
" Okay love , can I at least hold you while we nap ?" I say opening my arms.

"Sure ," she says grabbing a blanket before settling in my arms on the un injured side .
The floral scent of her perfume starts to lure me to sleep before I even know it's happening. I've missed the way she smells, like a gorgeous summer day . I inhale her scent one more time before falling asleep.

Hey guys , I wrote my last exam today and if I passed , it means I've graduated.🎉🎉🎉
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Our Little SecretOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora