"Tiana!" Elijah raised his voice in a warning tone - stopping her just as she had her hand raised in the air, ready to hit Theo - who didn't even flinch

"Fine" she huffed, slowly dropping her hand and exhaling heavily

Closing her eyes and reopening them, she found Theo to still be sat there - frozen, barley even paying attention to the pair of them despite the commotion they'd caused in such a short amount of time

"Ti, look at him. I don't think he's in the right head space to chat to us" Elijah tried to persuade Tiana because he'd never seen his boy like this before

It was so odd

So unlike Theo

Yes, he kept to himself a lot of the time, but god - Theo looked so down, so sad, so frustrated

"Theo, hellooooo?" Tiana waved her hand in front of Theo's face, only for her to gasp at the lone tear which fell down his cheek and onto his lap

"Oh my-" she whispered, never seeing Theo so upset before, not since he came over to her house when Naomi had kissed that boy on Halloween and then Naomi told her everything

"Shit man. I don't wanna see you like this-" Elijah sighed as he watched Theo bury his head in his hands, "I know you're hurting too" he sighed

Sitting down on Theo's bed next to him, Tiana shook her head at Elijah, seeing how hurt both of their friends were over the entire situation.

After a moment, Tiana finally said, "Lijah, can you give us a min?"

Hesitantly, Elijah mumbled, "Ok", because he had already stopped her from almost hitting Theo, but then again he knew his girlfriend and he knew that she had everyone's best interest in mind

Watching Elijah leave the room, Tiana pulled Theo's head to lay on her shoulder out of comfort. "I'm sorry for shouting at you" she apologised

Tiana knew she wasn't Naomi, and she wasn't trying to be, but she knew Theo needed comfort right now and she needed him to tell her what was up with him because it was upsetting her to see him like this.

"Just do it. Cry, shout, scream - do it all" she mumbled as she felt Theo's shoulders shake with the sob he was holding in

She knew Theo was obviously hurting, but for him to breakdown like this infront of her - fuck, she didn't even want to know what Naomi told him.

"Aww Theo" she sighed, as she heard him sniffle, "Just rant to me, tell me everything you're feeling right now. No judgments. I just wanna know that you're okay" Tiana sympathised, knowing she'd come in earlier, guns blazing - ready to shout at him but she didn't realise he needed someone to talk to as well

And she would've left it to Elijah, but she knew him seeing one of the boys he practically saw as a brother cry would've broken him. He would've just told him and Naomi to sack it off - rather than listen to why they were both hurting.

"Fuck Ti" Theo took a deep breath as he straightened himself out, throwing his head back - trying to avoid crying any further

"Fuck" he mumbled again, "I was scared before, but now...Now I'm fucking frightened. And I might've fucked it all up. I might of pushed her away and I don't want that. I want her. I do. I want her cause she's my girl and but I just couldn't be in that room with her. I just couldn't let her keep defending him. I was gonna snap. I was gonna do something I regretted so I had to leave" he rambled, talking a mile a minute because he was scared

He was so scared of what he'd just done and he couldn't go back in time. He couldn't change what he'd done. He couldn't repair the damage that he'd made

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