Lucy turned to see a Gryffindor boy striding towards them with his friends in tow. She watched as Theo's hands balled into fists.

"The fuck does he want?" sneered Theo as they waited impatiently for them to catch up.

"Who is he?" asked Lucy hesitantly.

"Jimmy Peakes, he's on the Gryffindor team," Arielle informed her.

Lucy fiddled with the strap to her bag as Jimmy Peakes approached. He was an average looking boy with a narrow build, sandy hair, and a rather large nose.

"Just wanted to say sorry about your loss on that last match," he told Theo as a friend nudged him in the ribs, making the boy laugh. "No hard feelings I hope,"

Theo gritted her teeth, irritated by the encounter. "No hard feelings," he repeated coldly before beginning to turn around.

"Woah-wait!" Peakes continued with a grin. "I wasn't finished."

Lucy cocked an eyebrow at him as she heard Theo breath in deeply in an attempt to calm his bubbling anger.

"We were thinking, maybe Slytherin just needs a better captain," His group of friends all nodded amongst themselves.

"Bugger off," seethed Theo who turned on his heel, trying to escape the situation.

"Tell me, what would the Headmaster think if he knew that all of your parents were Death Eaters?" he quipped smugly as his friend patted him on the back, applauding his joke.

"Oh you foul little-," began Lucy with a furiously furrowed brow.

However, before either of the girls could react, Theo's fist collided rather harshly with the face of Peakes. A crunching noise filled the air as blood trickled out of his nose.

Gasps erupted from the Gryffindors behind them as the two boys fell to the ground and began to throw punches.

"Theo, stop!" Lucy cried out, attempting to break up the fight. Arielle caught her sleeve to stop her as the two watched helplessly from the sidelines. The Gryffindors all cheered for Peakes as the boys wrestled upon the ground.

Suddenly, both of them lay frozen on the ground, stiff and immobile. Lucy could see that Theo now had a black eye, that had quickly swollen shut, while Peakes had a cut on his forehead.

"What in Merlin's name is going on here?" gasped Professor Slughorn with wide eyes, his wand held at arm's length. He waved it and the boys were back to normal, eyeing each other with completel hatred. "Fighting is not tolerated at Hogwarts, you boys surely know that!"

"Detention for both of you," Slughorn ordered sternly as the buttons on his robes threatened to pop. "Tonight at eight, boys!"

"But sir it's Halloween-" whined Peakes with wide eyes, dusting off his robes.

"I don't want to hear it! Twenty points from both of your houses! Now scram!" he instructed. After exchanging some furious glares between one another, the groups went their separate ways. Theo stormed off on his own without saying a word.

"He probably just needs to cool off," Arielle suggested as they trotted up the steps towards the castle.

Lucy nodded in dull agreement before they went on to their next class, Transfiguration. Classes went by rather quickly that day, and Lucy couldn't help but notice Draco was missing from each of them.

She felt a wave of relief wash over her as she entered the Great Hall for the annual Halloween Feast. Despite the solemn moods from the Slytherin bunch, Jack O' Lanterns, orange and black streamers, and even live bats adorned the Great Hall that evening. Giant silver goblets full of candy sat on each house table.

"Ooh! Sugar Quills!" exclaimed Arielle, eagerly grabbing a blue one.

Lucy gave her a small smile before glancing down the Slytherin table. Her eyes widened at the sight of Draco. He sat with his head resting in his palm, observing the bustling atmosphere.

"Hi," she said breathlessly as she slipped into the seat beside him. Draco glanced up at her and his features immediately softened. The usual knot between his brows disappeared and the storms within his grey eyes calmed.

"Where have you been?" she continued, crossing her legs under the table. 

"Busy," he retorted stiffly.

"Well, Mr. Busy, you missed quite the spectacle earlier," Arielle piped up cynically from beside Lucy.

"What do you mean?" Draco questioned, sitting up straighter to peer at Arielle with an inquisitive brow.

"I mean that Peakes tried coming after Theo about the Quidditch match. Things got rather heated,"

"What?" barked Draco, doing a double-take. "What the fuck happened?"

He glanced down to quickly scan Lucy's face, looking for any signs of injury or distress. When she gave him a gentle nod of reassurance, he went back to interrogating Arielle.

"He was just trying to stir the pot, and he accused us of having parents that are Death Eaters," Arielle recalled.

"I mean- he's technically not wrong, but like the audacity, right?" added Lucy.

Her remark made Crabbe and Goyle chortle, while Draco scoffed at his plate with a certain awkwardness. "He'll get what's bloody coming for him, that's for fucking sure,"

"What do you mean Draco?" Pansy questioned while batting her eyelashes from across the table.

"It's not important," he told her flatly before beginning to pile slices of roast ham upon his plate.

The feast was less entertaining than normal, seeing as the group was missing two of their most talkative friends. Arielle pouted, looking bored without her boyfriend there to drape an arm around her shoulder. Meanwhile, Pansy played Exploding Snap with Crabbe and Goyle who would grunt at every turn.

Lucy kept her eyes trained on Draco as she recalled the explosive kiss that they had shared. It was only a matter of time before they clashed again, she realized.

The look in Draco's eyes seemed to say the exact same thing.

✧・゚: *✧・゚✧*:・゚✧

author's note:
hi everyone!! im so sorry for the delay of updating, i've been so busy lately!! i hope this filler chap isn't awful, next chapter will be quite intense though hehe. thanks so much for reading!!!

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