100- We'll Meet Again, My Love

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Annalise lifted her head after a moment of crying, feeling oddly comforted as she glanced around the waiting area. There was no one present that should have made her feel more at ease, but she did and she couldn't understand why. She glanced at the empty seat beside her, staring for several moments because it almost felt like there was someone there. Someone that may have been trying to comfort her, but she dismissed the idea as the door opened to reveal Jimin. "Are you okay, Anna?" Jimin asked softly, his eyes deep with concern.

Annalise offered a small smile as she sniffled and held back more tears. "Surprisingly, yes. I... I think I'll be okay," she answered softly, glancing back towards that spot she almost felt a presence. Jungkook smiled back at her, proud of her answer as he remained seated next to her. He watched as Annalise stood firmly to her feet once more, following after Jimin. Jungkook stood swiftly to his feet and followed after them, vowing to himself that he'd never leave their side until he was certain they were all on the right track. He only wanted to see them succeed and that had been so violently stolen from him that he couldn't bring himself to move on.

Jungkook still hated entering the home he'd once shared with Taehyung because he missed Taehyung more than anything. Even more than life itself. Although, he still hadn't heard a single peep from him and he'd wondered if Taehyung had already moved on, waiting for him beyond those pearly white gates. Once more, he remained by Annalise's side, following her to her room and making sure she wasn't going to be reckless. She was, after all, Taehyung's daughter.

Jungkook watched as Annalise lay on her side in her bed, curling up on herself to cry more. This Jungkook did feel guilty about seeing as how she was the last person that wanted Jungkook's demise. Jungkook was aware Annalise favored him to her own biological father and yet, he could do nothing to take back what governed these events. All Jungkook could do is remain by her side and continue to rub soothing circles against her back, hoping that one day she could forgive herself. This wasn't her fault after all.

Jungkook remained sitting on the edge of Annalise's bed as she slept now, crying herself into exhaustion. Jungkook glanced up towards the ceiling when a timid voice finally reached out to him. "I've been waiting for you," came the familiar voice as the world around Jungkook faded into the background. Jungkook hastily stood to his feet, walking towards the door and placing his hand upon it as he hesitated. "T- Tae?" Jungkook called cautiously, trying to figure out if he was only hearing things earlier. After all, Taehyung was someone he desired to see more than anyone and he could have manifested hearing his voice without realizing it.

"Tae? I- Is that you?" Jungkook asked once more, unable to pass through the door this time. He pressed against the wood again, desperate to see if he really wasn't imagining Taehyung's voice. "Yes," Taehyung's voice finally answered from the distance before he finally revealed himself. "I thought you'd be mad at me and not want to see me," Taehyung answered timidly, rubbing his left hand down his right arm. Jungkook turned in the direction of Taehyung's voice now, feeling as if he could exist once again just from observing Taehyung's face.

Jungkook felt an overwhelming emotion well up inside of him that he hadn't felt in a long time as he took a hesitant step towards Taehyung. Jungkook didn't think he'd feel anything again after Taehyung departed from his life, his body remaining frozen in place. "I- I missed you so much," Jungkook cried out softly, his face contorting with profound sorrow and anguish as he rushed toward Taehyung. Taehyung opened his arms wide and welcoming as their transcendental bodies collided, both burying their face in the other's shoulder with soft sobs.

New Leaf (Taekook 21+) [Completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant