Chapter 15 : Ich Liebe Dich

Start from the beginning

(Y/N) : Woah-woah, what's happening with you two?

Tesla : What the? The core shut off on it's own!

(Y/N) : Now what did you guys do?

Akino : The energy inside it felt familiar to us, so we just decided to absorb it.

(Y/N) : So that's it?

Mizuki : Yes! Now stop until you ask for more questions!

(Y/N) : Ok geez!

Himeko : So that just happened, and everything has been taken care of. Let's go back to Hyperion.

??? : Ara-Ara~ well if it isn't (Y/N)-Sama.

(Y/N) : Wait a minute.. that voice sounded familiar..

??? : It seems like cleaning these up might be a bit harder than some others.

She then proceeds to destroy Tesla's mechs in a couple seconds by slicing them with her scythe.

She then proceeds to destroy Tesla's mechs in a couple seconds by slicing them with her scythe

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(Y/N) : Rita?!

Fu Hua : This is how far you will go Himeko, (Y/N).

(Y/N) : Fu Hua... I want to ask questions but i feel like i won't get any chance to do so.

Fu Hua : Give up and surrender. We don't want to hurt you two.

(Y/N) : Then you failed to realise that we won't give up easily. Right, Shifu?

Fu Hua : Guess we don't have any choices then.

Himeko : Tesla, stay back! We'll handle this!

Tesla : Got it, and try not to die!

When Tesla said that, Rita suddenly teleports right in front of you and swings her scythe to your neck. You were surprised but regained composure as you parried the scythe on the handle with your hand, making Rita get pushed back by the force of the  parry. You grabbed Akino and run towards Rita and swings it at her, she swipes it with the inner part of her scythe and kicks you on the stomach. You used the momentum of the kick to do a backflip to regain your footing. once you did, you dashed to Rita and punch her in the stomach. As she hunches back, you quickly swiped Mizuki and aimed her at Rita's chin. You hit her with a rubber bullet, since you're not trying to kill her. The bullet then hits her, then you try to slice her on the side of the stomach, but she blocks it with the stem of her scythe.

Rita : Ara~ you've gotten better i see.

(Y/N) : Of course, a couple years of refining your fighting style works pretty well.

Rita : You shouldn't be too cocky just because you got one shot in.

You then kick her in the chest to make space, then looked to the side to see Himeko duking it out with Fu Hua.

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