“Black suits, and fancy ties is all you need for a business trip?”

“No, I need pajamas, underwear, my toothbrush, toothpaste, a comb, hair gel,”

“Not my point, Bruce.”

“I’d like to pack you up, take you with me.”

“I know you would, but you can't. Carry ons can only be under thirty pounds.” I paused, “maybe twenty pounds?”

“Don't know, don't care. It’s my jet.”

“Of course it is.” I teased, flipping on my stomach, watching him shove underwear in his bag. “I can't believe you leave tomorrow all ready.” I said, he looked at me with his sparkling green eyes.

“It’s only two weeks.”

“Too long.”

“Fourteen days.”

“Too long.”

“Three hundred and thirtysix hours.”

“Too long.”

“Kiss me?”

“Never.” I said, he leaned over his suitcase and puckered his lips. I laughed and hid my face in my hands. He ripped my hands away and grabbed my face. I became frightened by his strength. He made kissy faces at me and I relaxed, I laughed and pecked his cheek.

“Thanks,” He said, releasing my face and going back to his packing.




After he left, I tried not to let my mind wander to him. Either way, it lingered on him when I was not occupied by the ever curious, and annoying Hal Jordan.

“Where did he go again?” He paused, “I forgot.”

“Of course you did, he went to Switzerland.” I said, pulling out my math book. We were in the library, and I had just arrived for our tutoring session. I sat down in the chair across from him and pushed the book towards him . He rubbed his hands together and flipped to the chapter that we just began in the classroom. He talked to me about what he didn't understand, we worked through problems until the bell. “Same time tomorrow.” I said, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. I walked down the hall to my locker and headed off to my classes. During the day, I received a note requesting my presence in the choir room down in the ghetto part of school. This part of school is referred to as the ghetto, because of the classes that occupy it and because it is in a hole nothing part of the building. Orchestra, Band, Choir, Home Ec., Art, and Woods class are all in this section of school. The people who love the arts of any kind hang around here, some are sketchy, others are amazing human beings. I walked down to the hallway to the open choir room door. I walked in, and headed towards the office. I poked my head inside, no one was there. I turned around and surveyed the room, I looked farther into the office and still saw no teacher. Two hands shoved me forwards into the room and slammed the door.

“You listen carefully.” Said the person, I crashed into the wall. I shoved off the wall and turned to face the purple suited man that haunted my mind.

“You!” I seethed.

“Me? Well of course it’s me!” He said shoving me against the books. “Listen now, Kitty.”

“Get away from me! You-”

“Listen!” He hissed. Pinning me against the wall. “Shut up!” He yelled, I heard the choir door open, and rushed footsteps. The door to the office burst open again and Joker was ripped away from me. A fist collided with his face and knocked him to the ground. My rescuer pounded on the Joker, not letting him breath. I backed out of the office in shock, Hal Jordan kicked the Joker in the stomach and turned to look at me. I stared back at him in horror, and in relief. The school police officer stormed in and took control of the Joker. It all happened so fast, it was hard for me to absorb what what going on. Hal came out of the office and placed his hands on my shoulders. I was shaking, my mouth was open, he silently backed me into a chair and sat next to me. The officer cuffed Joker and dragged him out the door. He glared at the both of us on his way out. I didn't say anything, I couldn't utter words. I watched him leave, I stared blankly at the now crowded doorway. People were freaking out that the Joker had come into our school. A whirl of activity whizzed around me. Hal took my arm and helped my up, my legs were weak and he walked me out of the room and out of the school building. I dint ask questions as he ushered me to his car. He opened the door, telling me that he would take me home, and that he would stay with me for a while.

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