Before 8

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"When everything goes smoothly, there will always be that rock in the road that will throw you off course"

Harry and Louis were the picture perfect couple. But pictures never show the whole story. They were in a state of euphoria, but they never talked about the other aspects of their relationship. Inevitably, it was not going to work out. At least, not this time.

"Stop doing that," Louis snapped at Harry.

"Doing what? You're the one who keeps talking," Harry whispered back. They were stuck listening to some old guy's lecture, and it was going so well as you can so clearly see.

They had been constantly arguing for the past 2 months, and it seemed like nothing was getting better.

After an argument, they just went to sleep, as if their problems would be solved in their dreams. But waking up, they were still under the sheets.

They made the mistakes they never would have now.

"LOUIS. CAN YOU JUST GIVE ME SOME SPACE?" Harry threw his hands up when Louis had followed him for the third time.

"WELL IM SORRY, AREN'T YOU THE ONE WHO CONSTANTLY CHECKED IN WITH ME FOR A TWO DAY TRIP?" Louis yelled back, getting frustrated with Harry.

They just went back and forth. Each one saying something that the other was doing. You'd think once you found your soulmate, life would be perfect. But you still got to work for it.

"Harry? You there?" Louis called into the darkness their first night together.


They cuddled closer and fell asleep.

"Louis? You there?" Harry whispered into the dark after a painful fight.

And instead of their usual 'always', all that came back was...


Neither one called for the other one night. And by the next day, their shared bedroom was empty. However, they acted as if everything was fine at graduation.

Caps were thrown in the air, and although Harry and Louis didn't want to, their eyes immediately went to each other.

"Congratulations love," Louis said to Harry.

"Congrats Lou," Harry said back. Louis looked at everyone around them.

"We made it Harry," Louis smiled sadly.

"You and I made it Lou. I don't think there's a we right now," Harry corrected, his heart breaking.

"You're right. But maybe there will be"

They kissed each other, short and sweet, but lingering for moments after.

"This isn't goodbye. We may be apart now, but that doesn't mean we will be forever," Louis said when they finally pulled apart.

"I wish we didn't have to. I'll miss you," Harry was crying now, not wanting to say goodbye to his soulmate.

Louis walked back to Zayn and Harry walked back to Niall and Liam, but both gave each other one final look.

"Harry? Are you ok?" Niall knew Louis and Harry had problems but didn't know the extent.

"I will be Niall. I will be"

"Louis? Is everything alright," Zayn could tell something had happened by Louis facial expressions.

"No. But it will be"

Although they had an amicable separation, there were bound to be some bitter feelings. Harry dealt with them by completely erasing Louis from his life. And Louis pushed down every feeling he had.

And the future Harry and Louis looked forward to, came right to them, that fateful day on the bus.


Hey yalll

This chapter was a bit different from the ones before. Hopefully it wasn't too depressing.

Thanks for reading besties . Sad to say the books almost over. We have one chapter and an epilogue left. I'm sad too. Me and uh @defenceless_larry both being sad about our books ending-

Anywaysss, I had an idea. If y'all have an idea for a scene from NWK or even just anything from this universe that you want written out, lmk here. And I'll write it when I get the chance

There's also a new book-
Check it out if you want <3

Byeee besties

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