Before 7

35 5 53

hey yall, so I suddenly got a burst of motivation

This is supposed to be happy but like

its gonna get sad

real sad

have fun :D




"Harry Edward Styles, I am fucking in love with you," Louis said out loud. The mirror just stared at him with disappointment. "UGH, this is not going well," he groaned.

"LOUEH, ARE YOU PROPERLY DRESSED IN THERE?!" It was Zayn. Louis had called him since it was a matter of life or death.

"OF COURSE IM DRESSED DICKWAD," Louis yelled back and waited for Zayn to enter. "I need help," he said. "Again."

"What is it now?" Zayn had gotten tired of Louis calling him day and night ranting about some guy he had met. At first everyone thought he was dating Harry, but Louis shut that down really quick. However Zayn and Niall weren't convinced.

"So, it's getting serious with this dude, and I think I love him," Louis somehow got out.

Zayn blinked. He's in love with Harry??? 

"Lou, are you serious?" 

"Than I've ever been before," Louis stared into his eyes.

"My angel. My cherished boyfriend. I am in love with youu-ughhh," Harry gave up. He had been trying to figure out how to say this for 2 hours now. 

"If you add the ugh there, I'm pretty sure he'd dump you on the spot,"

"Oh shut up Niall." Niall laughed and just plopped down on the beanbag. "So, what do you need my expertises for?"

"I am in love with the guy I'm dating, and I don't know how to tell him"

"Well well well Harold, looks like we have a situation"

"Niall, I'm serious, I need help,"

"Don't be scared of love Harry."

"I know, but we're in wonderland right now, and what if I mess it up"

"There's something happening  here Harry," Niall continued, "And I'm sure Louis is feeling it too."

"Yeah, WAIT did you just Louis," Harry all but screeched.

"It wasn't that hard to figure out you two were dating. Why are you even keeping it a secret?" Niall replied a bit too casually.

"Reasons," Harry answered a bit distracted. "LIAM! Does he know?"

"Nope. He's as clueless as ever. But enough about him and me, and more on this love confession of yours." Niall rubbed his hands together.

Resigned, Harry started, "Well we've been dating for a month or so, well actually a month and 15 days, but like I'm in love with him."

"Uh huh, and I fail to see the problem."

" How am i just supposed to say that he's the only thing I want, and that it hurts when I'm not with him? How am i just supposed to say that I would literally give up everything if he asked me to?" How am I supposed to say that I am fucking in love with him?"

"Mate that was amazing, I'm tearing up," Niall actually looked like he was gonna cry. 

"Oh my god, I have to go find him," Harry left looking for Louis, and Niall went looking for Doritos.

"I love him, Zayn. He's literally the one, and damn it I have no idea how to tell him. How am I supposed to tell him that every time I look into his eyes, I'm lost? How am I supposed to tell him for every question why, he's my because?"

"Louis, just go to him, and everything will work out," Zayn advised, having known Louis long enough to know this was what he needed to do.

"I'm leaving to go find him," Louis hurried out, grabbing Zayn's keys as he left.

They drove down the same street and saw each other and stared. (much like that one meme if anyone knows). Stopping on the side of the road they both got out.

"Hazza, I need to tell you something" and at the exact same time Harry also said

"Lou, I need to tell you something"

"You first," they both said.

"I love you." No one knows who said it first as their voices blended together.

"I love you too," they both replied, like lovesick idiots.

Not even noticing that the distance between them had gotten small, Louis grabbed Harrys face and brought him in for a kiss.

Later that day, they were cuddled up on the couch.

"I love you Harry"

"And I love you Louis"




hey yalll

so that was this chapter

their first i love yous

im tearing up

not as much you'll be after next chapter but yk


bye besties 


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