After 6

46 5 85

HEYY YALL, So, heres the one with tissues

please dont kill me for the ending

enjoy :)

or uh no


have fun?


prepare yourselves :)




"LOUIS," Harry called into the room after he had not heard a response. Louis jumped and quickly hid it under his pillow. Inconspicuously he wiped his eyes.

"Oh hey Haz- Harry," Louis, caught up in the memories, let slip. "What'd you need?"

"I promised you we'd talk," he smiled, although could see the haunting behind the word, "so here I am." He paused. "Louis, is that a strawberry under your pillow?"

Louis turned around and right there, plain as day, was a strawberry. Or, more accurately, a stitching of a strawberry. It was his hoodie. No. Harry's hoodie. Shit.

"Oh." Harry had pulled it out and saw the hoodie staring back at him. "You still have it?" Louis nodded, not knowing what to say. Harry just put it down, sat down on Louis bed, leaving Louis to stand awkwardly.

"Do you remember how I convinced you to buy these hoodies," Harry suddenly asked.

"Yes, you gave me your puppy dog eyes and made the corniest joke ever," Louis fell back into their banter. It was as if no time had passed from that one fall evening.

Harry laughed, "Yeah, I said we should get the fruits, because well, one, it's obvious, but also because we're, you know," he laughed again, not being able to get out his words, "f r u i ty." By now Louis was also laughing. And it was in moments like this that both of them wished they could just go back to normal, but that normal was destroyed from both sides.

"Harry," Louis hesitantly started, "we need to talk about that kiss."

Harrys smile dropped. "I know, I know, it's just, why did it feel nice?" Louis cocked his head.

"You mean why you liked it?" Louis didn't know why, but he felt some frustration boiling up. "You know Harry, I am sick and tired of you doing everything with me and then acting as if it's some," he moved his arms around, "punishment  that you liked spending time with me."

"Lou, its not like that," Harry tried to respond, but he was also getting annoyed at how Louis put all the blame on him. 

"Really Hazza?" Louis said the once endearing nickname with such venom that Harry was set off.

"YOU of all people do not get to say that I initiated anything," Harry began. "You brought me strawberries in the middle of the night."

"WELL I'm sorry if bringing fruits for someone as a courtesy is such a dangerous act now." Louis knew he was being dramatic now but he was pissed as hell. 

"You knew damn well what you were doing with those strawberries." Harry accused.

"Well how about you and the hoodies? Bringing up senior year over and over? Why can't you just MOVE. ON!" Louis yelled the last bit, emphasizing each word.

"I'M TRYING TO, BUT IT'S HARD WHEN YOU'RE RIGHT THERE," Harry yelled back. Louis just stared and Harry, his fist closed. And Harry started to take deep breaths. They stared into each others eyes. Harry left first and Louis just sat down on the carpet and put his head in his hands. Both boys were exhausted and tired from fighting. They just wanted to stop the pain, and the way they made each other yell. But however much pain that came. Harry and Louis went to bed with one thought.

But I still love you...




that was all besties

next chapters gonna be either happy, or gut wrenching

i havent made up my mind

byeee besties

see ya later

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