After 3

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"So I'll take top bunk and Harry, you can have the bottom one." Louis had always hated sleeping in the bottom bunk. He liked the feeling that there was someone else there to support him.

"Uhm yeah that works. Do you know where Liam and Zayn went?" Harry replied.

"Probably off snogging somewhere." Louis' face contorting into one of disgust as he said that. Harry wanted to laugh, but he didn't, he couldn't.

Harry had not fallen asleep on the bus ride over, instead he made a list of things not to do on this retreat.

Number 1: don't laugh with Lou

Number 2: don't call him lou

Number 3: don't walk in on Zayn and Liam

Number 4: NO CONTACT


Harry repeated these 5 things over and over again until he had them memorized by heart.

Louis knew Harry wasn't asleep, he'd slept by enough times to know this. He knew his Hazza was gone by now, and there was nothing he could do to bring him back. Louis made up his mind. This retreat is for Zayn and for Zayn only.

Two voices called out, "LOUIS" "HARRY"

Louis, too caught up in his inner monologue of angst, didn't reply. Harry on the other hand called back.

A hand tapped his shoulder 'Harry' "Dinners starting soon, they want to know if we're ready."

Louis nodded, muttering something like 'yeah', his shoulder still tingling from the light touch from Harry.

Well done Styles, you already failed number 4. Harry didn't know what prompted him to touch Louis, something about lost look in his eyes seemed too familiar for Harry to handle.

Dinner was some disgusting beans, so that wasn't going to go well.

"Anyways that's the story about my turtle," Liam finished. Harry and Louis were sitting opposite of each other, almost sliding off their seats. Both bowls untouched, filled with brown mush.

"OH MY GOD THEY HAVE STRAWBERRIES," the same voice from the announcement yelled. Harry looked up at this. Strawberries were his favorite fruit but there was no way he'd get some, what with the line that'd already formed.

"Hey where'd Louis go," Zayn interrupted Harry's daydreams about strawberries.

"Probably in the bathroom, we should start heading back to cabins. He can meet us there," Liam replied. Harry nodded and all of them headed toward their two-roomed wooden cabin, shoes making the grass crunch.

Harry lied down on his bed, now changed in his pjs when

"Psst, Harry, you awake?" WHAT THE FUCK

"Louis what the fuck are you doing?!"

Louis just looked down and when Harry looked closer he saw something behind his back. Louis took it from behind his back so that Harry could now see it. It was a bowl of strawberries.

"They're your favorite so I got some from the cafeteria for you, but uh if you don't want it then I can take it back, it's fine," Louis was rambling at this point so Harry interrupted.

"Louis, I'll take them, thank you," Harry gave him a reassuring smile. Louis returned it.

Harry finished the strawberries, giving one to Louis, before finally falling asleep.

Louis heard Harry fall asleep and smiled. Maybe it won't be so bad.

And that's how Louis and Harry fell asleep that night, smiling.

If only they could stay like this, and never wake up.

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