Before 3

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"So where are you taking me." Harry had been driving for about five minutes now and Louis was getting curious.

"To give you up as a sacrifice in a Satanic ritual" asshole

"Ha ha very funny, now where are we really going"

Harry turned to the side and smiled at Louis, "But then it would be a surprise would it Lou." Louis resigned at this and just started out the window.

Harry had felt horrible about making Louis stand there in the freezing cold, but now he was starting to regret picking him up as fast as he did. Harry had the perfect idea for a first date and he couldn't wait.

"Ok we're here"

"Finally, I thought you were gonna just keep on driving" sure you did

They had stopped at a small meadow, although it was too dark to see anything. Harry grabbed Louis hand, and while Louis tried to digest the butterflies, Harry led him through a hidden path to where he had set up

"A picnic," Louis gasped, hand slipping out of Harry's. There was a picnic basket sitting in the middle and there were a couple electric candles lighting up a scene. damn styles

"So I thought we could eat and then maybe watch the stars together," Harry mumbled the part about the stars but Louis heard it loud and clear. 

Louis smiled, "Lets eat then." Harry smiled back, and pointed towards the picnic basket.

"You know what I just realized," Louis started, munching on a sandwich, "we don't know all that much about each other." Harry, also munching on a sandwich, nodded.

"True. What's your middle name?" Harry answered.

"William. Yours?"

"Edward." Louis started laughing. Harry glared at him.

"Whatever, Louis William Tomlinson," Harry said with way too much sarcasm. Louis, who was still all pumped up with serotonin, just kept smiling at Harry. He looked like an adorable puppy. Fuck you Tomlinson. Stop being so cute.

"YOU KNOW, no meal is complete unless you have fruits," Harry, ever the fruit lover, tried to distract himself from the butterflies. 

"Uh huh, what fruits do you have Styles."

"Well I have strawberries, blueberries," Harry listed off, "and actually thats it." Louis smiled.

"Blueberries are my favourite" Now it was Harrys turn to start laughing. Louis was confused. How the fuck is this funny to you Styles.

"Sorry, but I just," Harry laughed again, "Louberry". He kept laughing, and Louis just stared. Harry looked up again and continued, "B-lou-berry."

Louis shook his head at Harrys poor sense of humour, but couldn't help the small smile creeping up his face. It wasn't his fault Harry looked so damn adorable when he was laughing.

"Mine are strawberries"


"My favourite fruit," Harry explained, "they're strawberries." 

"I can't think of a joke for that one, but I'll get you back Harry, just you wait,"

"You wish," Harry teased, "louberry." Louis pouted. Harry threw his hands up in his defense.

They started eating the fruits, occasionally throwing the them at each other, making stupid jokes (mostly Harry), and flipping each other off (mostly Louis).

Once they finished, Harry moved the picnic basket out of the way and lied down on the picnic blanket, facing up towards the stars. Louis followed suit, and soon they were laying in comfortable silence.

"Hey harry?"

"Yeah Louis?"

"Thanks for tonight. It was nice." Louis had given Harry his number as a joke, but tonight was the best.

"I enjoyed it too,. Harry replied, before continuing, "You ever look look at the constellations before?" Louis shook his head, movement reaching Harry. He turned his head and looked at Louis. Louis sensed this, and turned his head too.

"Hello," he whispered.

"Hi," Harry whispered back. They chuckled and went back to watching the stars. 

Harry fell asleep within 15 minutes, leaving Louis to lay there, listening to his breath, and watching the stars. Louis smiled, falling asleep to Harry's rhythmic breathing with Harry's face having a similar smile.

And so they slept under the stars, for the first time, but certainly not the last.





hey yall (more like two of you keep reading) thanks for reading. I have no schedule for updating, but this weeks gonna be hard. Hope you liked the chapter. byeee

Notes Worth KeepingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora