Before 2

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Not that Louis Tomlinson wasn't hot. He was freakin gorgeous. Like if the Greek gods had seen him, they would have resigned. Harry shook his head. He was getting off track.

Harry made up his mind. He was going to call him.


"Hello? Who's this"

"Harry, Harry Styles"

"Ohhh the hot one, I was wondering if you'd call." What the fuck is wrong with this guy

"Yeah, anyways, what do you want now?"

"To go on a date"

"For real?"

Louis rolled his eyes, "Noo, for funsies, of course for real idiot"

"Alright, pick you up at 8 tomorrow at the high school"

"Oh uh, ok"

"Don't be late sweetheart," Harry teased. They hung up. Did I just get a date with Louis Tomlinson

Louis on the other hand was not feeling as confident as he was when he slid the note over. Unbeknownst to Harry, Louis has been eyeing him for weeks. And now, he was going on a date with him. Holy shit what am I going to wear.

"ZAYNNNN, I NEED HELP!!" It was the night of the date, and Louis got stuck in some old shirt. Zayn walked in, took one look at Louis standing there like a dejected chicken, and started cackling. "Help me asshole."

Harry had gotten dressed quite quickly, throwing on red flannel, a black shirt, and his favorite boots. But now as the time approached closer, he was getting nervous. What if he said something stupid, or even worse, what if he ran over Louis. Harry's train of thought wasn't the most logical.

"LIAMMM, NIALLL, I NEED HELP" It was Harry's turn to yell for his friends. When they walked he started, "Ok so I'm picking up this really hot guy - "ooh get it styles" - shut up Niall, anyways and I'm nervous that somethings going to go wrong."

"Well there's a lot to unpack there, first of all, how do you have a date, second of all, how do you have an actual date and finally, it's going to go fine Haz, don't worry," Liam smiled. you didn't have to be so surprised about the date, jerk.

"Ok ok, I'm going to leave now, bye guys, Niall don't eat all the food."

"Anyways, that's my 15 minute explanation on how Harry Styles is too hot and how I have a date with him in 10 minutes," Louis finished.

"Uh huh, and how does this involve me," Zayn finally said, after remaining the silent the whole time.

"It doesn't, but you didn't have to be such an asshole"

"Come on Louis, you know I love you, but I didn't need your entire love confession to Styles. The date's going to well, just relax"

Louis, who was now dressed up in a white t shirt, blue jean jacket and black jeans, put his hands into his pocket and let out a deep breathe. "You're right, I'm gonna leave now."

Zayn waved a hand and Louis left. Harry didn't know that Louis did not have a car, so now he was walking to the high school in freezing temperatures. Fuck you Styles

Harry just got into his car and started heading towards the high school when he realized that he had forgotten his wallet. "Shit shit shit"
He was going to be late.

By the time Harry pulled up, Louis had been there for almost 10 minutes.

"Hey Curly, what took you so long?"

"Forgot my wallet" Louis chuckled as Harry got of his car. He looked up and realized the close proximity in which Harry was standing. A dopey smile spread across his face, much like the one Harry was also wearing.



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