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"All you have to do is say yes Lydia" Ivy said and lit my cigarette.

I don't normally smoke, it an occasionally thing. 

"I don't want to be a hooker Ivy, I'm okay with being regular waitress a Danny's coffee shop," I said after exhaling a gash of smoke.

"Not a hooker Lydia, a dancer," she emphasized on the word dancer and I sighed.

"Look you'll only dancing and they don't get to touch us unless we say so. And both you and I know that your job being a waitress isn't getting you anywhere in fixing your financial problems," she said while getting up from the floor.

"Think about it okay? Because we both know you really need the money," she said after pouring herself a glass of whiskey.

Pulling my hair out of the ponytail it was in, I looked down at my toenails that were painted white.

Ivy was right, I do need the money and my job at the coffee near our campus wasn't helping at all.

I'm a college student who has to work to provide for myself. I had no help financial wise. The last time I saw my dad, I was nine years old. It was only my mom and my big brother Asher. The only person I knew as family in this world. Asher is twenty-two and I'm nineteen years old.

My mom has cancer and she needs money for her surgery and treatments. Two months after arriving into Italy, I found out about my mom's condition when my brother had to rush her to the nearest hospital.

I'm on a scholarship here in Italy at the University of Pisa and I'm considering on going back home to help my brother take care of my mom.

"I should get going now I have a client for nine o'clock I'll see you tomorrow muah," Ivy spoke and my chains of thoughts broke.

She grabbed her duffel bag and blowed me a kiss.

"Bye, muah" I said and while mimicking her action of blowing a kiss. She exited our apartment and I left alone.

Getting up from the ground I picked up the pizza box and walked to the door. After locking the door I placed the pizza box in the fridge before pulling out a soda.

Taking a sip from the bottle I went to my room before dialing Ash's number.

"Hey," he said while trying to hide the tiredness in his voice.

"Hey Ash, um how's mom?"

"Good, how are your studies?" He said while trying to change the topic.

"Asher don't do that. Talk to me, tell me the truth please," I said and he sighed

"Okay she's getting worse and my job isn't helping at all. The bills are high and she needs that fucking surgery and I can't even afford it. Lydia this is killing me so no everything isn't good" he said and I felt tears forming in my eyes.

Yes, I wanted the truth from him no matter how hard it is to hear.

"It's gonna be ok Ash I promise we'll get through this-"

"No Ly we won't if I don't get some money fast. Because if I can't afford that surgery she dies and everything won't be fucking okay" he said before I heard something broke in his end.


"I'm sorry I shouldn't have cursed at you," he said before sighing into the phone

"I get it don't be sorry," I reasoned.

Valerio // 18+|| book 1Where stories live. Discover now