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Filthy hands
Filthy mind
Planting filthy thoughts
Filthy seed growing with filthy lies,
Filthy wants pure,
Pure women, pure mind
Corrupting innocence
Virginity taken cause filthy feels entitled,
They say virginity is gift so she gives her purity while you
give her a dose of the poison you carry around.
She is tired, panting from running she's crying,
face with wrinkles from her constant smiling cause pretty women smile,
pretty women accept compliments laced with bullets and hugs that go way past the waist,
She doesn't want to waste her time being here but culture says strong women stay despite of the pain
so whilst he's out there having soul ties and collecting spirits she must wait with her legs open so that he can dump them all there just because he can never get enough.
African Black men don't cheat they take second wives,
Marriage is a gem so women should sacrifice their lives for a place beside him whilst he searches for another cause your never enough,
Don't speak unless spoken to
Don't ever be too much,
the pressure to be a strong black women is too much,
Smile, smile, don't cry, don't even put up a fight,
Cause God created men first an from thy rib you were made so abide,
Eve was made for Adam but what happens when Eve needs herself,
Pain, pain, pain that's all black women breathe,
Forsaken by their own men
wasn't Adam made to protect Eve cause all we see is punches thrown left and right
and she has to catch them,
Balancing on breaking branches but she can't show her cracks and
she can't slow her steps cause
she is perfect,
She is breaking, breaking is free, she is not broken she is free,
A black women beneath all that melanin
she is no longer waiting for a man to live cause even though Eve was for Adam, she also was for herself, she open her eyes and took a bite from that apple and never was the same again,
cause she's a China tea pot holding too much and just might break
So I ask, is the pressure to be a strong black women too much
When filthy lurks wanting pure.

A Taste Of Oblivion : The Short Comings Chronicles VOL1 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora