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"What did you just say?"

I sigh, I am so not in the mood for this, not so early and obviously not before I've even had a bath and my morning rituals done which are timely by the way and I pride myself in doing them efficiently, it takes time to look this good,

"Okay, listen let me take a bath first then I'll explain everything,"

"You better hurry up cause you've got some explaining to do," my friend Liz says with one hand on her hip, she always had a flare for the dramatics, I sigh saying okay as I close the bathroom door and turning of the tap in the bathtub, I take out some scented candles to rid me of his smell and make a bubble bath, Lord knows I need one, I play some music from the speaker in my bathroom and sigh as I sink deeper in the welcoming hugs of the warm water as my mind drifts back to last night.

Last Night,

I vaguely remember how I got so wasted to the point of taking a stranger home, well he wasn't a stranger but it would've been better if he was. I was in the kitchen with a cider in my hand, they clearly don't make them like they are supposed to cause three Savannahs shouldn't have made me feel more than tipsy, I remember the smoke and a crappy generic piano song blasting through the house, each mumble lyric (if that's what you could even call it) bouncing off the walls, I didn't listen to this kind if music but I oddly found myself swaying to the beat letting it move my hips in an almost seductive manner and to be honest I prayed to the gay gods to grant me a man, any man but not a straight man who would give me more sex than problems but given alcohol and music perceptions change and alcohol clouds the judgement.

I arrived with Liz but ended up alone, shocker cause she leaves me every time but I don't mind this time on my fifth glass of this cider and I want to go home with any man that's willing at this point, I know I sounded desperate but I was in true honesty and maybe thats why I welcomed him when he got close. He was like a predator and I was his prey, he looked at me as if I was meat on his plate and he couldn't wait to devour me, I was amused and my body seemed to be responding to his gaze as I whipped my head and danced sultry as the DJ mixed the song changing from one local song to one of international status where everyone decided to join the dance floor, it was packed and my eyes skimmed and scanned wanting to see him look at me, wanting to see the hunger in his eyes, the lust but alas I was disappointed to see nothing where he stood and as disappointment filled my heart I left for the kitchen to get something more to drink.

"Didn't peg you for a Brandy drinker,"

And right there on the spot I knew it was him, his voice richer than I imagined and his face clearer in the bright but still dim lighting in the kitchen,

"Oh thats what this brown stuff is,"

I said nonchalant still pouring the liquid in a glass. I watched as he came closer and closer and closer till he was right in front of me, I looked him up and down shamelessly checking him out and the smirk dawning his face made me know he was one who liked attention, I knew who he was and I didn't care, I just wanted him to get me out of here, at this point alcohol spoke for me and I was a horny drunk.

"Are you really going to drink that," he said his voice laced with amusement and I stopped swishing the brown liquid around and looked at him before downing the whole thing in seconds. It burned, oh God it burned but I willed my face to be strong and looked at him as he smiled, surprised and amused, he stepped even more closer closing the distance between us, held me by my side as he led me to a secluded area and whispered,

"My place or yours?"

And those four words, those worlds said to every person during a hook up sealed my fate and I was a goner-

I was shaken awake from my mental revisitation of last night's event by the banging on my bathroom door,

"You better not be jerking off to Dakota in there, a bath doesn't take up to an hour come out or I'm coming in,"

I groaned knowing I couldn't hide any longer and yelled a quick okay before quickly scrubbing myself clean, after an hour more I come out fresh but still dawning a slight limp, my bottom still clenches and unclenches as I remember how it felt undoubtedly the best Ive ever had and drunk or not I know I still wanted more but I couldn't admit that aloud to anyone, I sighed and unlocked the door to find Liz had made herself comfortable on my bed painting her toenails,

"Took you long enough, I couldn't figure out if you were really cleaning yourself up in there or really quietly masturbating to last nights images of Dakota which by the way I never saw coming, I mean come on I know that man is the epitome of sex on a stick but I never knew he'd stick his stick up your -"

"Okay woah woah woah, lets not get ahead of our selves here,"

"Really, really S your gonna say that after sleeping with the guy?"

My friend says stopping on her last toe and giving me an unimpressed look, I nervously laugh as I tug my very pink gown, gosh I didn't realise I was this gay,

"No need to remind me okay,"

"On the contrary girly I need to remind you so that you don't forget, so tell me all about it, how was he, how big is he, I hear his a beast in bed and can put a horse to shame with his size but seeing as you can still walk and don't need a wheel chair I can detest he wasn't that big, not to be stereotypical but white dudes aren't that packing although ," she stops and looks at me quizzically,


"You were limping so that means his still some what big, spill the beans girl I'm tired of guessing, what happened when I left you at that party?" She asks looking a little impatient, okay really impatient cause if I know my friend she can never rest until she knows something so I sigh and sit down before I spill the pipping tea.

A Taste Of Oblivion : The Short Comings Chronicles VOL1 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora