Chapter 2: Escape?

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Purpled POV

"CRAP," I yelled, Dream is going to kill me if he gets away, I started running down the stairs hoping to cut him off. Who even is he and why does Dream want him here, and why did he smell like an omega. Before I thought anymore I reached the bottom of the stairs and saw George running for the door, I quickly ran after him. He turned the corner and once I turned it I saw he was already caught by Punz. "Thanks Punz, he caused me a lot of trouble," I stated, "No problem, but who is he anyway?" he replied, before I could respond George started screaming for Punz to let him go, which Punz ignored as he picked him up and carried him over his shoulder like his was a bag. I motioned for him to follow me as I started walking towards the elevator, as soon as the doors opened I saw a gun pointed at my head and Dream was holding it, 'Oh no.'

"Why is George not in his room and down here instead?" Dream asked calmly which freaked me out, he acted as if he would shoot me and have no problem with it. "Ummm... well you see he ran away and I couldn't catch him so Punz had to help me out, I responded a little unsure of what to say knowing if I upset him I would be dead in an instant. He lowered the gun and look at Punz, "Help Purpled take him to room 13B please, and don't let him escape." Dream said before pushing past him and walking towards the garden. Punz and I nodded and stepped into the elevator and I pressed the 3 button, by this point George had stopped screaming and was instead mumbling something about freedom and jerks.

George POV

As the elevator doors opened Punz started walking with me still over his shoulder, once we reached the room he walked inside and practically threw me onto the bed. I just laid their playing dead, I even held my breath. "Is he dead," Punz said not sounding worried at all. "If he is we are in big trouble," Purpled said as he sat me up and pried my eyes open, "Nope, he's fine," he stated before dropping me back to the ground and walking away. As soon as they both left I sat up and looked around the room, it was pretty nice. The bed was King sized, there was a ensuite bathroom with a... golden toilet? Why would anyone need a golden toilet? Anyways, there was a walk-in closet, a massive tv with speakers, a couch and a lazy boy chair. Honestly I could get used to this, if this is what happens to people that get kidnapped then kidnap me please. Then I realized that they punched me and knocked me out, so I quickly decided to try and leave... again. I cracked the door open and looked outside, the hall was empty so I started making my way towards the elevator again, I turned the corner and bumped into someone. They were around my height, also British, they had brown fluffy hair, brown eyes, and a weird shirt. "Sorry I should have been paying more attention," he quickly apologized, "No no, I'm sorry," I responded. My eyes met his for a moment before I sat up and walked away.

Before I could get too far I heard him say, "Hey, what's your name. I don't think I've seen you before," I turned around and quickly responded, "George... George Davidson," the moment I said that I turned and ran for the elevator, why did I just tell him my last name, I'm so dumb. I reached the elevator and pushed 1. This time no one was running after me, the doors on the bottom floor opened as I walked towards the front door. As soon as they opened I turned the corner and started walking around like nothing happened.

I was halfway back home before someone grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. I thought it would be the masked man, Purpled, Punz, or even the other British kid but nope. It was a guy in a suit with some kind of horns, and black hair, "Who are you and what do you want," I snarled. "I'm Schaltt and I want you," he said, before I could speak I felt his hand come off of my shoulder as he fell to the floor, I looked down at him and back up to see the masked man standing there with a bloody glove. "That guys a major pain in my ass," he said, "Come on let's go back," he commented before grabbing my hand and pulling me back towards his mansion. I didn't resist after all, I think he just saved my life.

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