twenty four

649 18 8


"Aright class. You have an assignment due in a week," our dance teacher begins. "You'll be teaming up in small groups with the music class to create a video together. I want groups of five, two or three from this class, the rest music students."

Woah. Music students? Small groups?

"You'll be required to create a music video with elements of dance throughout. There's a lot of creative control for what you wish to make here. The music students will arrive any second and you'll a let yourselves into groups." She explains further while handing out task sheets.

Music students start to pile into the studio and stand awkwardly at the side of the room. I'm in my usual place next to Ahren.

"You and I, and three music kids? Not bad." He smirks at me. I roll my eyes. He's been more of a pain in the ass since two days ago in my home studio.

No comment on that experience.

"Fine. I'm picking the music kids though," I start waking away from him towards them like others in the class are doing.

I make eye contact with a familiar face - Raeden.

Thank. Fucking. God.

He smiles bright and walks towards me, dragging along two other boys behind him.

"Aena! Partners? This is Cassian," he points to the dark haired boy on his left, "and this is Dorian," he points to the boy on his right, with almost platinum blonde hair and dark roots.

I nod at Raeden and let out a quick hello to his friends. Ahren stands behind me watching.

"This is Ahren, and my name's Athena, but I'll respond to pretty much anything." I say with a smile. They greet me back with polite hellos and we write our names onto the task sheet as a group.

"So a music video huh? Strange concept but I like it. We can make a song for it," Cassian states.

"Yeah aye, what kinda feel are we going for? Happy? Sad? Sexy?" Dorian wiggles his eyebrows at me. Ahren and Raeden give him a glare but it goes unnoticed by him.

"We can just come up with a concept from one of them and go with that. What do you guys play?" I suggest.

Dorian answers first, "Drums. Cassian plays bass and keyboard if needed, and Raeden is our lead guitarist and singer."

I nod my head. "Is there a style you guys like best?"

"We're more used to uplifting beats if that's any help. I don't mind stepping outside my comfort zone a little though. We can experiment. Plus we have no restrictions at all, it can be as different as we want it to." Raeden answers.

Ahren chimes in with a shrug, "Slow songs are easier to choreograph."

"Looks like we're venturing out then. Sad? or like calmer?" Cassian asks the group.

We sit in silence to think for a moment.

"I'm feeling a love song. Whether it's positive or negative." decides Raeden, looking at me.

"I can go with negative? Positive love songs don't sound fun to write." I state and everyone nods.

We converse more about our concept and which direction we should take it. Briefly arguing over the idea, though that was just Ahren and I.

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