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"I'm telling you, I really don't need them following me everywhere. Do I even get privacy anymore?"

It's Monday afternoon and I've been followed around 27/7 by Soren and another guard - Theon. I'm already sick of it and it's been like a day and a half. My brothers seem to think I'm in dire need of it though.

"A, we're just being careful. I don't want to see you in any danger," Khai pipes up.

"Privacy won't matter when you're in a real situation without help," states Atticus firmly. I know I didn't fight him the first time this was introduced but I didn't think it would actually be this bad.

"I need some privacy! I used to get any time I wanted to myself back in England. The minute I move back, I lose it all at once, are you kidding?" I say pleadingly.

"No we're not kidding. You have to deal with the fact that you live in a house with us and we happen to be targeted by rival companies often. They go to great lengths to get what they want Athena. You're our weakest point whether you like it or not. They'll go for the only girl."

As much as I know Atticus is right, it's still extremely annoying. I'm 16 for fucks sake. I'm not a child anymore.

I mutter a quiet 'whatever' and revive a familiar glare from him at my rude response. I trudge my way upstairs and call it a night. I hate this.


Waking up pretty easily and early, I make my way downstairs in my uniform for breakfast. Maria has already set my fruit bowl on the table, knowing I rise early.

I thank her a sit down, waiting for my brothers. They each come down eventually, shirts half buttoned and ties hanging around their necks very loosely.

I finish my breakfast and wait for the boys. They finish too and we drive to school. The guards in a black car behind us.

Walking into my first class after homeroom, I'm met with Raeden and...Khai? What's he doing here?

"What?..." I trail off at him.

"Atticus moved one of us to most of your classes to keep an eye on you," he explains.

You're kidding. I'm sick of this; if I wasn't already. They're going way overboard with safety now. Shit's happened and I'm recovering still. But I don't need to be treated like a child! They're protecting me from their 'rival businesses'. Rival business my ass. Since when was that dangerous. It's not like they can get away with kidnapping me, or hurting me at all. It'll come with a fat lawsuit and jail sentence. As if.

They're hiding something.

Biology finishes and Psychology starts, which I now have with Phoenix and his friends, a few that were previously in the class anyways.

The lesson goes by fast and I catch Phoenix glancing at me constantly.

My next class is ballet, finally. Waking in dressed in my clothes, I see Ahren on the other side of the room. I roll my eyes and walk over to stand next to his tall figure.

"How are you, princess?" He seemingly taunts.

"Fine." I reply flatly.

"Atta girl," he rushes out quietly as the class starts.

Ahren and I were more civil today, despite still being at each other's throats. His moves were less intimate and I find myself sort of missing it? I shouldn't be, because of what I just went through, but each person heals in their own way I guess. Mine just seems to be wanting to get under someone else.

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