26 | confess

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lorenzo berkshire

I stood there in the pouring rain as I watched her walk farther away.

What the fuck? No. I'm not letting her slip away like this.

"I love you." I blurted.

She stopped in her tracks and looks towards me.

I walk to her, "And I'm sorry—I was being a huge dick and I'm sorry. I panicked, I didn't know what to say."

"Why did you panic?"

I sighed, "I didn't want to tell them that we 'fought' because that's what we would usually do. Y/N, I don't want us to be known as frenemies—the kids who were bipolar with each other which is why I panicked. I was struggling with my emotions and feelings."

I take a breath,

"The thing is, I wanted us to be more. When I kissed you, I felt electric sparks coming out. I thought we had a thing—and I hope we do, because I love you." my breathe hitched, "But I didn't know that back then. I was still confused. I told Onyx what I felt and she told me I had a thing for you."

I couldn't tell whether she was crying or if it was because of the rain behind her mascara falling.

"I wanted to deny those feelings because I hated it. I hated the way my stomach flips when I take one look at you. The way your hair drops perfectly and how you still manage to look pretty in everything you do. You were so perfect I felt like you were out of my league—and you are."

I felt my eyes water a little, "I don't know what happens after I finish this, but I don't want this to be over. Because this whole experience? I just—I want this feeling to keep going."

a/n: thank you Joshua Bassett for this<3 (ifykyj

"And I'm sorry for spilling your struggles out like that, I was pissed at myself. I just wanted to help you and I didn't want to see you get hurt. Y/N, I truly am sorry. It was always you and always has been. It was you who helped me, you who made me feel better about my blood, my family and it was you that I smelt. It wasn't Luna. It never has been. It was you."

"I'm in love with the girl who has pretty E/C eyes, the girl who wears rings, the girl who made me feel better about having Bellatrix as my mum, the girl whose fucking obsessed with music" she chuckled as I close the huge gap between us, "The girl in front of me."

She smiles and looks at me with those mesmerising eyes of her's, "Enzo?" She whispers.

"Yeah?" I asked in a hint of worry

She pulls me closer, "I love you too." she laughs.

"W-what?" Excitement grew inside of me, "You do?"

She scoffed and roll her eyes playfully, "Yes dickhead, I do." she grips on my collar and clash our lips together.

My stomach did a million flips. I was on cloud nine and i never want to leave. Her waist fits perfectly in my hand and I hold her tight.

She was the like the star to my sky, the cold side of the pillow and the girl I'm in love with.

I felt tingles from my lips going down my body and I shoot to life. I tighten my grip on her waist as she moved her hands on my neck, tracing my jawline.



I felt like I had time in the whole world. My leg going up like in the movies.

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