8 | food hall

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y/n cameron

I gasped.

I was met with cold water, dripping all over me. I sat up to see my friends laughing and Lorenzo holding an empty bottle of whiskey—the one from last night.

"What the fuck Enzo!" I screamed. I forced myself to
get up and wipe the water off of me, "You make me want to kill you even more," I muttered.

I was about to go to the bathroom when I saw Nyx in the room, already showered and in her uniform, she was holding my IPod.

"Nyx? When the fuck did you come in?" I wondered.

"When you dicks were passed out and had a party without me," she frowned.

"Not our fault you were with Adrian." Theo commented. We looked towards him who was avoiding eye contact with Onyx.

I saw Onny's expression turn to confusion. If only she knew about his feelings towards her.

                                     — ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —

We walked to the dining hall and I linked my arm with Nyx's.

"So.." I sighed, giving her a hint. She knew exactly what I'm talking about.

"Later tonight, promise." she laid out her pinky and I twisted it with mine.

"Fine but at least tell me why you had my Ipod,"

"You even have a shower playlist?" I snorted at her question, so that's why she took it.

"Anyways, I was planning on taking Enzo to—do you know a place that's very hot? I can murder him there and his body will decompose faster." Onyx looked at me like I was a psychopath, even though she knew I was half joking, kidding, I was fully joking—maybe.

"Well I think that you need to go to a therapist, sometimes I think you and Mattheo are actually siblings." she pushed me over to Blaise and he looked at her with confusion, I saw Onyx mouthing 'she needs some serious help' and I flipped her off.

I crossed my arms, "So fucking rude,"

"Yeah, but she's right." Blaise commented

I gasped, "How so?" He snickered and placed an arm around my shoulder.

"Indonesia is a really hot place." he winked.

a/n: before I get any hate—I fucking live here and it's so fucking hot

                                     — ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —

We were talking about today, how class was ending early because Dumbledore was going to announce the championship.

"My bet is on Diggor-" I stopped talking as something gooey touched my face. I touch it with my finger and took a look—it was jam. I turn to Onyx who was snickering. She had fling jam on my face.

"Y/N it was an accident I swear," she defended. I smirked and reached for the jam.

I threw it at her just for her to dodge and the jam went onto Mattheo's hair. Nyx and I gasped and laughed. He threw it to me but terribly missed, landing on Theo's lap. He scooped the jam and threw it on Draco.

Draco glared and took his scrambled eggs and scattered it all over Theo.

"What the fuck dude! I just got food shot twice!" He angrily took milk and tried to spill Draco but was spilt on Blaise who was trying to enjoy his bagel.

Shocked by the coldness of the milk, he dropped his bagel onto Enzo.

Eventually we started a food fight. The houses against each other.

"Time to take the L!" Theo yelled at the ravenclaws. He threw a PB&J and it landed straight onto Cho Chang's face. It was hilarious and fun. Mattheo was throwing food at the golden trio who actually seems to be having fun, throwing back food at him.

A thin slice of ham was slapped onto my face. Enzo was laughing, clenching his stomach. I narrow my eyes and took a handful of peas, throwing it to him.

"STOP!" Oh shit. Professor Mcgonaggall came to view—or Minnie as my friends and I like to call her.

Everyone stopped what they're doing and looked down to the floor. The hall was a mess. Food here and there, drinks spilt everywhere. It was colourful, but disgusting. Food were mixed and made um, disturbing colours and looks.

"Who is responsible for all this?!" Minnie screeched. The houses all pointed at Slytherin and the Slytherins pointed to my whole friend group.

We shrugged innocently and smiled, "Hi minnie," we said in unison.

She glared at us and looked at the hall embarrassed and disappointed, "Should've known. You seven will clean up this mess instantly." she did her signature mum wave with her cloak and left. Everyone was sent to their dorms to clean up and go straight to class—except us.



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